Hiring in the role of teachers with quick call on the remaining vacant positions, who can apply. [Guida alla compilazione della domanda]


Hiring in the role of teachers school year 2020/21: from today until September 2 at 11:59 p.m. it is possible to request the “quick call” referred to in dm 25/20. Possibility for those who aspire to the role and have not found a place in their province / region.

The application is intended for all candidates still present in the rankings of the competitions (2016 competition, 2018 extraordinary competitions, merit rankings of the teaching staff) and the candidates included in the rankings until exhaustion, in order to cover all places commons and legal staff support remained vacant and available following the result of the injection operations
in role.

After selecting the “Go to build” button, an information page is presented. The user must read the information on the page carefully.

Who can submit the request

The application is for:

  • Candidates present in full or with reservation in the classification announcement
    exhaustion of teaching and educational personnel;
  • candidates are still present in full or with reservation in merit rankings and additional regional lists of qualifications-based competencies and
    examinations referred to in DDG 105, 106 and 107 of February 23, 2016, for the hiring of kindergarten and primary teaching staff,
    Secondary level I and II as well as for support positions;
  • candidates still present in their entirety or with reservation in the regional rankings of merit related to the competition procedure mentioned in the DDG
    85/2018, for the permanent hiring of teachers in the secondary school of I and II grade in common place and
    support for;
  • Candidates still present in full or with reservation in the regional rankings of merit related to the competition procedure referred to in Departmental Decree 1546/2018, for the permanent hiring of pre-school and primary education teachers in a common and support regime.
  • the candidates still present in the GM of the educational staff

When accessing the application, the system verifies that the candidate / applicant is not among those that the regional offices have identified as:

  • candidates / applicants who have resigned from the appointment;
  • candidates / applicants who have been assigned to the position
  • candidates / applicants with reservation without the right to be appointed to the position

Regions and provinces of destination of the request

The teacher must select the region for which he intends to express his preference.

and then the provinces for which you intend to express preferences

If there are no places in the indicated province, the system will display the following message “It is not possible to express preferences in the province because there are no places available for the ranking of candidates”

N.B. Those who want to join the quick call must therefore access the system to verify, in practice, in which provinces there are places available for the ranking of their interest.

On this page, the user has the right to choose the Region and province (s) among those for which residual vacancies have been reported following the entries in the role.

Before accessing the application, the candidate / applicant can consult the list of available places by region / province / ranking.

In the election of the Region made by the candidate / applicant, the system performs the following checks

Teacher present only at GaE

The system allows you to choose the region among all those that have places available. In the event that the candidate is present in the rankings of the 1st tranche of two provinces, she may only choose provinces other than those in which she is included.

Teacher present only in a competition

The system allows you to apply in a region other than the one in which you are present in the ranking and for which there are places available.

Teacher present in several competitions in different regions.

However, the choice must converge on a single region.

The candidate who is present in region A for a competition and in region B

for another competition you can:

  • choose region A: the system allows you to apply only
    for insolvency proceedings in which it is included in region B
  • choose region B – the system allows you to apply
    only for insolvency proceedings in which it is included in region A
  • choose a region other than those in which you are present in the competitions: the system allows you to apply for both competition procedures in which, therefore, you are included in region A and region B.

Teacher present both in GaE and in competitions

Candidate / applicant present in GaE and in competitions in the same region:

If the candidate / applicant decides to apply to the GaE in another province of the same region in which he is included, the system does not allow him to apply to the contest.

If the candidate changes region, the system allows him to apply for both the GaE and the competition.

Candidate / applicant present in GaE and in competitions in different regions (in GaE in region A and in competition in region B):

  • if the candidate decides to apply for the GaE in another province of region A, the system allows him to apply in this region also for the competition;
  • if the candidate decides to apply for the GaE in region B, the system will not allow him to apply for the contest;
  • If the candidate decides to apply in a region other than A and B, the system allows them to apply for both the GaE and the competition.

Once the data has been entered, the candidate / applicant must complete the operation by clicking on the ‘Insert’ button.

The forwarding procedure must then be activated.

The whole procedure is quickly explained in the Application Guide.

It is present in online instances, in the form dedicated to the “Procedure for submitting requests for contracting by call – Ministerial Decree 25/2020”

The press release of the Ministry

The “quick call” of teachers begins, the new procedure provided for by the decree on schools approved in December in Parliament that allows those who are in the ranking, but have not obtained the position with the normal round of hiring in another region to apply where there are places available to first obtain the chair indefinitely.

Questions can be asked until 11:59 pm on September 2 ”Read more

NB The page is for informational purposes only. For more details on submitting the application it is necessary to contact the RSU or the union structures.
