
“We don’t need African missionary doctors”: this was the response of the acting president of Calabria, Antonino Spirlì, before Tiziana Panella’s question about the hypothesis of Gino Strada as Commissioner of Health of the region. Invited to Came back, the governor replaced Jole santelli he was absolutely opposed to this eventuality: “But what does he have to do with it? Should we dig the wells?Strada’s name came out after the video scandal of former commissioner Saverio Cotticelli and current Giuseppe Zuccatelli. “We need that in Calabria, where there are good teachers, find out who has to deal with Calabrian health here We don’t need to be enslaved in our health. Enough is enough, it is a shame that the government should end. We don’t need geniuses from other parts of the world and less from Professor Strada. A clear position, in short.