Highway Code, the Simplification Decree changes the rules: all the news


the Traffic laws is about to undergo a profound renovation affecting both motorcyclists and cyclists and motorcyclists, with new regulations increasing the driving safety.

The modifications to the Traffic Code are contained in the Simplification Decree that is being examined these days in the Chamber with a view to converting it into law before September 14, 2020. There are many new features that add or modify the old regulations:

In addition, the revision extension until the end of the year and in some cases until February 2021.


Speed ​​cameras in the city

Without a doubt, the novelty that most interests motorists are the fixed radars in the city, especially in the historic centers, which until now were prohibited. It will be up to the Prefect to authorize and establish the positioning of the speed detectors according to the zones and time bands in which accidents are concentrated, all in order to guarantee greater safety for pedestrians.

Ztl school

Another important novelty is the creation of a kind of “ztl school” which is a limited traffic zone near schools – specially marked – within which the entry and exit of motorcycles and cars will be prohibited or considerably reduced. . Everything to protect children and adolescents at the time of entering and leaving school.

Only buses, trams, school buses, automobiles and motorcycles of students with a credential can enter the ztl school. Exceptions also for vehicles with disabled people on board.

Those who violate these rules risk a fine of between 160 and 679 euros and in the event of repeated offenses, the license will be suspended for up to 30 days.

Scavengers may make fines

Green operators will also be able to fine cars parked in front of garbage containers if they obstruct and impede garbage collection and street cleaning. The mayors, in fact, may confer this power on employees of municipal cleaning companies and private companies. If necessary, they can also request the withdrawal of the vehicle.

News for cyclists

For cyclists, some rules change. The new Traffic Code foresees the introduction of the “urban bicycle lane” where bicycles will have priority: single-lane carriageways with asphalt platforms and sidewalks where the limit of 30 km / h cannot be exceeded.

On the other hand, on urban roads where the speed limit is less than or equal to 30 km / h there will be a “two-way cycle”.

Review extension

The extension of the deadline indicated in the review document has been confirmed. If the evaluation of the eligibility requirements is established before September 30, the vehicle can circulate until December 31, 2020 without risk of fine; On the other hand, the revisions that expire from October 1 to December 31 are extended until February 28, 2021.
