A true never-ending story given that the project has been dragging itself between the two houses of Parliament for more than a decade without results, without seeing the light. However, we are now probably at a tipping point because after the simplification decree and a long series of hearings, it appears that the fast track to law has been taken. We’ll see. Meanwhile, here are all the news. A complicated image, created in collaboration with Asaps, an association of friends of the traffic police.

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The most important thing is that the concept of vulnerable users, which also includes moped and motorcycle drivers, as well as people with disabilities, as well as pedestrians and cyclists. the Pedestrian crossings can be raised to curb level, colored sidewalks are provided, with the introduction of “pedestrian paths” in the code. Mayors may establish positions of vehicle stop for pregnant women or with a child no older than two years, equipped with the new “pink badge” and for carpooling. They can be inserted into vertical signs. social and awareness messages, aimed at the protection and safety of traffic and the protection of parking for people with disabilities and women with pink permits.
The owners of the streets will be obliged to guarantee the gratuity. blue stalls for people with disabilities, while a tightening of the sanctions is foreseen for those who illegally use the position dedicated to people with disabilities, with a sanction of 168 euros to 673 euros, and 4 reduction points instead of 2 as is the case today. The obligation for vehicle drivers to give the priority to pedestrians who are about to cross the road, instead of pedestrians who have started the crossing, as envisaged in the current wording.
It will be possible to equip Pedestrian crossings of sensors that activate light warning signals for pedestrians, and on all roads for the entire width of the road, slowing systems with traffic-calming elements such as transverse bands with optical, acoustic or vibratory effect, narrowing, chicane , etc. They are exempt from the obligation to fasten seat belts even the “ostomized”, while the cars for the use of people with disabilities, in case of being served by motor, will be able to go through the paths for bicycles and pedestrians in case of need. More severe administrative penalties for those who violate the rules of conduct at level crossings, ranging from € 167 to € 666.

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the driver’s responsibility motorcycle and moped if the passenger is not wearing a helmet. As of January 1, 2024 all school bus they must be equipped with seat belts, even if the obligation to fasten them is not introduced. In case of non-use of seat belts by adults transported in motor vehicles, the sanction also applies to the driver, with the exception of taxis and NCC, which are only obliged to remind passengers of the obligation to use them through posters or other means of notice.
More severe penalties for those who use driving smartphone, laptops, notebooks, tablets and similar devices that even temporarily lead to the withdrawal of hands from the wheel. For the first offense, a penalty of 422 euros to 1697 euros, with the suspension of the license from 7 days to two months, in addition to the deduction of 5 points from the license. With double offense in the biennium, financial administrative penalty from 644 to 2,588 euros, suspension of the license from one to three months, reduction of 10 points of the license. The Ministry of Transport must activate specific awareness campaigns on the new prohibitions. Reduction of 2 points of the driving license for the violation of the prohibition to park and stop in the spaces reserved for charging electric vehicles.
To know the state of alteration of the guide with respect to the use of narcotic substances, the traffic police forces will carry out controls on salivary fluid instead of on samples of the mucosa of the oral cavity as required by the current text. Stop for hybrid vehicles with free access to limited traffic areas and a green light only for electric vehicles, but only with a resolution from the city council. All forms of advertising are prohibited on roads and vehicles., whose content proposes sexist, violent or offensive gender stereotypes or proposes messages that violate the respect of individual freedoms, civil and political rights, religious beliefs, ethnic or discriminatory affiliations with respect to sexual orientation, gender identity, abilities physical and mental. Advertising is allowed inside roundabouts that will be regulated by a specific decree of the Ministry of Transport.

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Prediction that in traffic lights yellow light turns on for a minimum of three seconds. For motor vehicles participating in motor racing competitions that take place on the road, it is allowed to display a replacement plate consisting of a self-made panel that reproduces the vehicle’s registration number. Other regulations related to cycling, but after the blitz of the simplification decree it seems more difficult to introduce new ones.
Instead, it is introduced the obligation to wear a helmet (complies with international approvals) for children under 12 years old who ride a bicycle, but only 4 months after the approval of the law.
In the event of an infringement with deduction of points, the obligation of the vehicle owner to communicate ceases to be valid if he is a natural person and is the driver responsible for the infringement and has made the communication through PEC. Local authorities will have the obligation to publish on its website the amount of the penalties charged with reference to the previous year. Regarding the possession of circulation and driving documents, no sanctions will be executed if, after a simultaneous electronic verification, the traffic police officer has verified the existence and validity of the documents that the driver has not exhibited. Becomes official the obligation to leave the “notice”I on the windshield of the vehicle that is in no parking lot, to allow the violator to adhere to the payment of the fine at a reduced rate with no notification fees. Next, new rules are introduced on heavy vehicles and agricultural machinery, on revisions, old vehicles or vehicles of historical interest and collection.
“We hope that the parliamentarians will be as fast as happened with the simplification decree, and we will not see another parenthesis of the road safety regulations, also to protect vulnerable users. We do not want another” safety “-car” from the Commission of Budget – declares the president of ASAPS Giordano Biserni – and that it would block the race for the approval of a law, examined in the Commission with a unified text, also with experts and associations such as ASAPS that illustrated the reasons for the urgent measures to be adopted, such as the suspension of the license to the first offense in case of distracted driving or with greater certainty about the new methods of control of drivers under the influence of drugs. We cannot accept that at this moment of the reboot of the country, road safety is still a chimera in terms of the fight against road piracy, with the desire to disarm road patrols with s Entities increasingly in favor of drunkards and drug addicts who are also capable of demonstrating the uselessness of certified equipment and toxicological tests in hospitals ”.