High tension Conte-Renzi: “We will see if we can continue” | And over Chigi the shadow of Draghi looms


Certainly the prime minister and the leader of IV have seen each other again (Thursday at 6 pm) as a result of a tension that shows no signs of abating. And that sees, at the same time, increasing pressure from the Democratic Party on some key nodes and the internal nervousness of the M5 groups. With a shadow that, perhaps never like in these hours, looms over Palazzo Chigi: that of the old ECB issue Mario draghi, which the prime minister announces he wants to hear shortly after his speech at the G30.

“Italia Viva is a traveling companion. Right now he is raising problems, he is demanding political requests, it is very important to find clarity of purpose, share objectives and above all a great vision. We will discuss the merits and see if the conditions are adequate to move forward stronger than before, “said the premier in a television interview, warning that the Recovery Plan working group asks us in Europe, although it can be improved.

Then the opening to a possible reorganization: “If there are requests, it is correct to listen to them.” Finally a joke: it is a competition to leave the seats, once done to occupy them. Instead, the leader of IV will put on the prime minister’s table the document prepared with the substantial sum of proposals for the coming months. They range from the Medical Month to the constitutional reforms to, obviously, the request for a clear revocation of Palazzo Chigi in the control room for Recovery as planned a few days ago.

In Italia Viva, Renzian’s sources explain, it is possible to accept at most a very tight mission structure and without any mention of derogating powers. “We are going to go down hard on the merits, the reorganization is no longer the question. Either he renounces his proposals with public proof or for us he closes”, is the last battle cry from sources IV.

However, in the event of a total breakdown, the crisis will not be immediate.. The budget law will be safe and then, starting in January, every day could be a good one to end it. In the corridors of the Palacios there are those who bet on the failure of group IV, there are those who foresee the contribution of the managers (from the UDC to Cambiamo!) And there are those who identify a little more the moment of the crisis there, near spring.

Few, however, speak of an immediate return to the polls, thus supporting Renz’s thesis. And Matteo Salvini, in the presentation of the Vespa book, marries the strategy of Giancarlo Giorgetti, who in the Corsera speaks of a center-right not willing to govern and evokes the arrival of Draghi. “If there are no elections, the alternative is a center-right government, not a Salvini government, there are people outside politics who can lead the country to elections,” explains the leader of the League, meeting Giorgia once again. Meloni on a different side: “I don’t make governments with alliances with Renzi or the Democratic Party.”

But really the M5 and Pd would accept one majority of national unity Who, probably, would then be called to choose the successor of Sergio Mattarella? Difficult, so much so that Andrea Orlando reiterates that the Democratic Party does not want the crisis. But the pressure from the Democrats increases. About the electoral law, about the health month and also about services. “I would open a reflection on the file, not because of mistrust but because we know well that on the international political scene it is an onerous and highly responsible delegation,” explains the Minister of EU Affairs, Enzo Amendola.

Meanwhile, the Pd group warns: “There are no forward leaks on cybersecurity.” After all, more than a complaint about Conte’s methods arises in the Recovery Plan and in the services also in the M5s. “How is it going like this? It seems that Parliament is no longer useful,” emphasizes a deputy. As proof of the fact that, Iv or not Iv, Conte will have to review his strategy, not just in the Recovery working group.
