high school “vip” closes


The Roman educational institute Collegio San Giuseppe – Istituto De Merode closes due to covid until October 1, by secondary schools. In fact, at school a case of coronavirus positivity was registered in the scientific high school, consequently all the students of the classical and scientific high school will stay at home.

“The boy came back the first two days of school; I asked him to do another swab, because I knew that in the summer he had already done one, but it was negative: it was for the second swab, this time it tested positive for Covid -19 “Alessandro Cacciotti, director of San Giuseppe, informs Adnkronos – De Merode The institute, located in the central Piazza di Spagna, is attended by 390 students in Rome, including some belonging to ‘VIP’ families.

“Luckily this child was not in school, only two days – continues the director – I do not know if the infection could have occurred on vacation or in Rome. When the news came, we decided that for everyone’s safety it was better to go to school. distance education, as we had already organized in the period of the coronavirus pandemic lockdown. Starting tomorrow, because we are also open on Saturdays, distance education will continue for the 14 days envisaged in quarantine. “

Cacciotti further explains: “In itself, the provision should have affected only the student’s class and their teachers. But for everyone’s peace of mind and also to better organize teaching, since the quarantine would also have affected teachers, we think in extending the provision to the entire institute, both for classical and scientific high school. The ASL was also very efficient and immediately contacted us, families, teachers and school personnel “.

In a communication addressed to parents, students and high school teachers, we inform them that “ASL Roma 1 has communicated to us the case of positivity of a student of the scientific high school, who was in class in the first two days of classes (15 and 16 of September). There do not seem to be any worrisome symptoms, however the health authorities have very strict regulations. Classmates and their teachers must observe a 14-day quarantine starting on September 16, at the end of which they must submit.The ASL Roma 1 is following everyone individually and will give them the appropriate indications, according to the protocol provided.

Furthermore, “to give the maximum guarantee of safety to all High School students and their families, the Higher Courses that start tomorrow, Saturday, September 19, will activate distance learning. All Classical and Scientific High School students will stay at home until Thursday 1 “. October, including “this while” they will continue their usual teaching activities in the presence of the other two courses: the Baccalaureate and the Baccalaureate.

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“Unfortunately we are forced to cancel the appointment of Saturday 26, in which we had scheduled the opening of the school year. We hope to be able to later have a moment of community celebration,” the statement concludes.
