High contagion rate, orange zone for 20 municipalities in the Foggia, Bari and Bat areas


BARI – Only the Gravina and Altamura centers presented a double contagion rate compared to the regional average of Puglia, which since Sunday went from the orange to the yellow zone. The most worrying data is that of the contagion index, high both in the two Murgian municipalities and in other realities in the north of the region, including the provinces of Bari, Bat and Foggia. And after the meeting between the administrators of the affected localities, late last night, with the President of the Region, Michele Emiliano and with the Councilor for Health, Pierluigi Lopalco, on the possibility of maintaining some restrictions in the municipalities where the epidemiological situation persists. critical, the new measure has arrived in these hours.

Governor Michele Emiliano, in fact, has issued a new ordinance (number 448) with which he has, with effect from December 8 to December 14, 2020, to configure as an “orange zone” (and therefore subject to the restrictions provided by the Ministry and Dpcm for the territories designated for this classification) the municipal territories of Andria, Barletta, Bisceglie and Spinazzola for the province of Bat; the municipalities of Accadia, Ascoli Satriano, Carapelle, Cerignola, Lucera, Manfredonia, San Marco in Lamis, San Nicandro Garganico, San Severo, Torremaggiore, Troia, Zapponeta, Foggia and Monte Sant’Angelo in the province of Foggia. And also the municipalities of Altamura and Gravina in Puglia in the province of Bari.

“In the municipalities reported by the Region’s Health Promotion Directorate,” explains Emiliano, “there are still situations of epidemiological risk that we intend to control by extending the so-called orange area regime for a week, in the hope that infections will decrease. . If this happens, it will also pass through the aforementioned municipalities of the yellow zone from December 14. The order was previously agreed with the Government ”.

The prevention department concluded considering that in the municipalities of the enumerated provinces of Foggia and Bat, as well as in those of the province of Bari de Altamura and Gravina in Puglia, the follow-up data revealed a high risk, both with reference to the probability diffusion. contagion and impact assessment on the regional health system.

This determined to impose the adoption of additional suitable measures for the relocation of the aforementioned territories in “orange” infra-regional areas, applying restrictive measures to them (the Region within the limits of the allocation provided by the Government with decree quater Ristori will face the provisioning for affected categories subject to restriction) foreseen for the orange zones foreseen in the Dpcm of December 3, 2020. The power of the mayors to adopt more restrictive measures within their competence in the reference zone is maintained, in accordance with the principles of adequacy and proportionality. when such measures are justified by a particular local situation.

Read ordinance-3
