here’s the lowdown on the electoral “weight” of governors – Time


The votes in comparison. With more than one surprise

They were the undisputed protagonists of the electoral campaign that has just ended. The outgoing “super-governors”, tremendously popular in these months of fighting against Covid, made their weight felt at the polls and were re-elected with royal plebiscites.

But its success can be exported to the whole country. Some answers can be obtained by examining the progress of your personal lists. And the surprise is huge. Because the votes collected in a single region are usually enough to “scare” the spoils obtained by national parties.

The school’s case is obviously Luca Zaia. The personal list of the Venetian “doge” broke all records and stood out, in the region, in about 45% of the population of the area. But how does this translate in absolute terms? Well, Zaia’s list has reached the beauty of 916 thousand votes. Many or few? So many – let’s see why. First of all, a premise: a national party to reach a quorum of 3% and make sure to enter Parliament would have to collect around a million votes. In Zaia, in Veneto alone, there would therefore be only 84 thousand. In practice, the governor alone and in Veneto alone is already worth more than what the polls attribute at the national level to “small parties” such as Carlo Calenda’s Action, + Europe or the Italian Left.

Not only. The list of the Venetian governor has collected in these regions practically the same votes obtained in six different regions by the Brothers of Italy of Giorgia Meloni, which stands at 951 thousand preferences. Of course, it is impossible to know how many of these votes are actually from Zaia and how many, absent his list, would have voted for the League anyway. But the data is still impressive.

Vincenzo De Luca’s success is also significant, with his personal list in Campania he obtained 313,666 preferences. Also in this case the most interesting aspect is the comparison with the other parts. De Luca, in Campania alone, is worth more than Italia Viva in the six regions in which he voted. Renzi’s party, in fact, stops at 311,486 votes. It doesn’t end there, because the man with the flamethrower has half of the total votes of the 5 Star Movement nationwide. It must be a great satisfaction, given the war that the grillini have always fought.

And again: Michele Emiliano in Puglia from personal lists even ranked three. In total they obtained 253 thousand votes, not far from the result of “neighbor” De Luca. And Giovanni Toti, finally, makes his own story, because his “Let’s change!” in reality it is already a national party. That, in Liguria alone, he managed to collect 141,000 votes.

If, absurdly, one wanted to calibrate the consensus expressed on Sunday in a kind of national competition, the results would be surprising. Behind Pd (19.46%), Lega (13.6%) and Fratelli d’Italia (10.43%) would immediately be the super list of Zaia (10.03%). In short, in addition to leader of the League: the Doge can run for the presidency of the Council!
