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Covid self-certification, red, orange and yellow zone: that's when you need it

New travel restrictions. theorder from the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, from the data arising from the monitoring of the ISS, with the new red zones me orange. In light of the new measures, they will become the “red zone” Campania and the Tuscany. Instead, they will be “oranges”, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Marche. These, of course, will be added to those already provided.

New Covid bans, Campania red zone: what can be done and what is prohibited

Red, orange and yellow zone: Rt index at 1 and the government’s plan for Christmas will circulate again

The contagion map changes and consequently the prohibition map also changes. The red zones therefore, they will be Campania, Tuscany, Calabria, Lombardy, Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta and the Autonomous Province of Bolzano.

The orange areas They will be Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Marche, Abruzzo, Basilicata, Liguria, Puglia, Sicily and Umbria.

They will remain “yellow” only Lazio, Molise, Sardinia, Trento and Veneto.

Therefore, self-certification is necessary in many areas. The forms are available on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. The government’s indications are clear.


In the yellow zone, movements from 5 to 22 are allowed, without the need to motivate them.

From 22 to 5 in the morning, on the other hand, they are prohibited, except those “motivated by proven work needs, situations of need or health reasons”. During this time interval, travelers must be able to show that they are doing so for permissible reasons. In such cases, therefore, resort is made to “self-declaration which can be made on preprinted forms already supplied to state and local police forces.” The veracity of the statements made will be subject to subsequent controls.

“The justification of the reason for the work can also be proven by showing the appropriate documentation provided by the employer (credentials or similar) capable of demonstrating the declared condition.” However, you must be able to show that you are going to or coming from work.


Movements, in the orange zone, are allowed only within their own municipality. All those to other municipalities and other regions are prohibited “except those motivated by proven work needs, situations of need, study or health reasons or to carry out activities or use services not available in their municipality (for example, going to the post office or to make the purchase, if there are no such offices or points of sale in your municipality). “These reasons must always be certified. Therefore, self-declaration is necessary. Later, the police may carry out any control.

Travel restrictions are also set within your own municipality. From 5 to 22, it is not necessary to motivate the movements. However, from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. it is forbidden to travel, except for those for proven work needs, situations of need, study or health reasons “or to carry out activities or use services not available in the Municipality itself (for example, go ‘post office or to make the purchase, if there are no such offices or points of sale in your municipality). ”These must in any case be motivated by self-declaration or, in the case of work, by displaying credentials or in any case documentation issued by the employer.

“In any case, it is possible to travel to any area that is strictly necessary to ensure the realization of face-to-face teaching, if any”.


In the red zone all movements are prohibited, both within the municipality itself and towards neighboring municipalities. The prohibitions do not include “trips motivated by proven work needs, situations of need (for example the purchase of necessary goods) or health reasons”. And trips are also allowed to ensure teaching takes place in person, if planned. The reasons must be proven, by self-declaration or, in the case of work reasons, showing documents issued by the employer such as credentials or similar.

Transfers are allowed to reach family or friends who are not self-sufficient. And also those to reach minors with the other parent or caregiver, or to take them home, “even between municipalities in different areas.” In any case, the shortest route must be chosen and always complying with all health requirements.

It is also allowed to accompany children to their grandparents or to pick them up at the beginning or end of the working day, but it is strongly discouraged since the elderly are among the categories most exposed to coronavirus infection. “This move is only allowed in case of extreme necessity, if both parents cannot stay with their children for reasons of force majeure.”

For all areas, the possibility of controls by the police to verify the veracity of self-certifications remains.


Last update: November 15 at 17:23

