The Lombardy it is under siege. The second wave of Covid-19 surrounds hospitals and imposes restrictions: nightlife controls are tightened, while on the health front the management of beds is reorganized. “Admissions to intensive care are increasing and positive cases are also growing steadily. The situation is critical, the help of all citizens is needed to stop the race of the virus ”, is the appeal of the general director of Ats of Milan Walter Bergamaschi.
Covid Italia, today’s newsletter October 18: new record of infections (11,705) and 69 deaths, in intensive care 750 (+45)
The setting is bleak. Lombardy yesterday registered the record of infections for the sixth consecutive day with 2,975 new positives, equivalent to 9.6% of the swabs made, half in Milan and its province (1,463). “The most worrying thing is that in the next few hours the number of positive subjects may continue to increase and put more and more pressure on hospitals. We will try to strengthen the relationship with family doctors, who play a decisive role in the notification of suspected cases and the follow-up of fragile patients ”, reflects Bargamaschi. The health facilities are beginning to suffer, two days ago around noon the Milan hospitals registered “a high number of Covid patients in the emergency room”, within the week the facility could reopen at the Fiera. Meanwhile, the action plan is being finalized: diverting less severe coronavirus patients to hospitals other than the 17 Lombard centers identified as referral for Covid by the June pandemic plan. In March, in the first attack of the virus, intensive care was saturated while now the system is under stress due to less severe hospitalizations, so “it is time to review the strategies”, announces the general director of Wellbeing, Marco Trivelli. That is why at a summit between the directors of Lombard hospitals it was decided to increase the number of hospitals with Covid rooms with low intensity of care to encourage intensive care, while working on the expansion of out-of-hospital beds for subacute patients. Meanwhile, the Region is trying to avoid a new blockade with restrictive measures on snacks, nightlife and possible staggered admission to school to avoid crowds on public transport. The way, for the moment, is to tighten the controls on discos and night gatherings with alcohol brought from home.
Difficulty also in Campania, which halts planned hospitalizations leaving only emergencies and oncological treatments. And Veneto is in trouble: “We are making a call to arms, we have to gather doctors and nurses. It is worse here than in March ”, is the cry for help from Claudio Micheletto, director of the pneumology unit of the Verona hospital, where the room reserved for Covid patients was reopened yesterday. The virus circulates “in a generalized way and the least equipped regions suffer the most. We need to slow down our activities, we need the utmost rigor, we see fifty years becoming seriously ill ”, warns the president of the Italian anesthesia, resuscitation and intensive care company Flavia Petrini.
National figures confirm this, with positive patients surpassing the 10,000 threshold for the third consecutive day (11,705) compared to 20,000 fewer tampons and deaths, sadly, increasing from 47 to 69. More than a thousand new patients Campania (+ 1,376), Lazio (+1,198) and Piedmont (+1,123). The daily Covid-19 epidemic bulletin says the second wave is underway. “The vaccine will not be the solution, you have to get it out of your head – says virologist Ilaria Capua – Control depends on us, on each individual. The virus is the same as last spring, it has not weakened and has not even turned bad.
Last updated: 08:52