The circular of the Viminale who will give the prefects indications about control S on the streets and in the city centers it will arrive today. But what is the risk of violating the strict rules established in the festive weeks and, especially in the “red days”, we already know: sanctions ranging from 400 to 3,000 euros. That can increase up to 4 thousand. For bars and restaurants that violate the obligation to close the fine, a stay of five to 30 days can also be added. A decision that has caused many protests from interested categories. Italy is already a great Red zone with the prohibition to move between regions. But on holidays and days before holidays (from 24 to 27) will run the risk of a fine even for a simple walk through the historic centers of the city, destined to remain deserted and where police controls will be strengthened. But the massive presence of agents will obviously also be registered in the toll booths and toll stations on the highways.
Christmas self-certification, that’s when you need it: always on “red” days, only in some cases on “orange” days
The penalties will increase to 4 thousand euros if those who do not respect the prohibitions are detained by the police in a vehicle. the Dpcm of last March (still in force on the scope of the sanctions) establishes that if the infractions occur “due to the use of a vehicle, the sanctions are increased by up to a third.” On the other hand, it will not be possible for agents, carabineros and police to verify what happens in private homes and if the limit of only two guests who do not live together (minors excluded) is respected. Investigations can only be carried out in the event of disturbance of public order. Therefore, if the limits established by the Dpcm are not respected, sanctions could also be activated for the violation of the anti-contagion regulations.
From the 24th, bars, restaurants and shops will be closed, with the exception of supermarkets and food, pharmacies and parapharmacies, kiosks, tobacconists and bookstores. You can go for a walk near the house with a mask and do sports alone and you can go to mass. You will need theself certification for the only trips allowed, that is, for proven reasons of work, health or necessity or to return to your residence or home. However, the government has introduced an exception to the travel bans, one that allows for the entire Christmas period (January 24-6) a maximum of two people, plus children under 14, disabled people and not self-sufficient living with them: moving only once a day to visit family or friends.
It will be allowed, within a period of 10 days, to visit friends and family, even in a municipality other than the one of residence, provided that it is always in the same region and always within the maximum limit of two people. For those who live in small towns (less than 5,000 inhabitants) on the days marked with orange (December 28-29-30 and January 4) it will also be possible to move to another region, but always within 30 kilometers of their residence and without going to the provincial capitals. A clarification to allow those who live in neighboring areas are not deprived of the possibility of meeting people who live in a country a few kilometers away but in another region. The government has also specified the issue of second residences: “the displacements of a family unit that live together to second residences are always allowed, from 5 to 22, within their own region and always prohibited to other regions.”
In the case of spouses or couples who live separated for work reasons, it will be possible to meet, “if the place of reunification is the one where there is residence, domicile or home”. And the displacements of separated parents, who can also visit their children in another region or abroad, are also allowed: it is one of the reasons of necessity, as is assistance to non-self-sufficient parents. On the other hand, it is never allowed to visit parents who are in good health and who live in another region, just as “extra-regional tourism trips” are not allowed between December 21 and January 6.
Last updated: 14:16