Here is the true story. The author must be informed


“Here is the true story of Cardarelli’s death.” Speaking is the governor Vincenzo De Luca, 24 hours after the publication of the shock video about the man who died in the emergency room of the Cardarelli hospital in Naples. The 84-year-old with various pathologies.According to what was reconstructed by the president of the Region, he was immediately rescued by the nurse on duty, while the video would have been recorded in the minutes that elapsed during which the health worker would have gone out to look for the stretcher.

“Cardarelli denounces the author of the video”

“Yesterday – says the President of the Region – he arrived at the Cardarelli Emergency Department, already with oxygen from his home, the Mr. Giuseppe C., 84 years old. The patient, according to the clinical history, suffered from diabetes, hypertension, an aneurysm in the abdominal aorta and had previously undergone laryngectomy. The patient, transferred to OBI, got up from the gurney and went to the bathroom. After ten minutes, the nurse, concerned about the delay, went to check and found the man lying lifeless on the floor. Thus he went to collect the bunk. In these minutes another man, Rosario R., 30 years old, arrived with his own means at the Cardarelli Emergency Department, had the courage to record a video and post it on social media. At night the same young man, against the advice of the doctors, left the hospital. “

“In addition to sending my obedient solidarity to the family of the deceased – continues De Luca – I invited the General Director of Cardarelli to express my gratitude for the extraordinary work they have always done, to the doctors and nurses in that emergency room. I also invited the DG to denounce the author of the ignoble video and with him how many, in an episode that could happen in any hospital in the world, have given themselves up to the umpteenth campaign of shameful looting against Cardarelli and the health care of Campania ”.
