PORDENONE AND UDINE – Start another game: avoid the red zone. And in a fluid situation like today, nothing is taken for granted. If the parameters that caused the entry to the orange zone are now clear (decreased monitoring capacity and high incidence of infection in the daily rate of tampons), now we must be attentive to another indicator: the rate at which hospitalizations are increasing. non-critical area. These are patients who are admitted to the hospital due to Covid but who are not so serious as to require intensive treatment. It is the heart of the second wave emergency, as resuscitation beds are filled less frequently than in spring. And also in Fvg the light was turned on. The values are still below the threshold, but it will be essential, in the coming days, to see a slowdown in the avalanche of admissions. Otherwise, the risk is that by exceeding a crucial parameter such as hospital accommodation, other measures may exist.
Today, in Friuli Venezia Giulia, 407 people are hospitalized in non-critical hospital wards. The occupancy rate of the beds available for the regional health system (we are not referring only to the spaces dedicated to Covid) is equal to 32 percent (of approximately 1,200 places), when the alarm threshold is established by the Ministry of Health by 40 percent. But it is not so much the current crystallized data that is worrying, but the rate of increase. Agenas, the National Agency for Regional Health Services, reports that in the region there is a daily increase that fluctuates between one and two percent. It means that in less than ten days the yellow threshold of 40 percent could be reached, and in two weeks the red threshold of 50 percent of all available beds in the region. It should be noted that the move to a possible red zone would not be automatic: Lazio, in fact, is still in the yellow zone despite having 48% of the seats occupied. Certainly, however, it would not be a good sign to “send” to Rome after the two parameters “guilty” of degradation in the orange zone have been exceeded. The resilience of the health system, in fact, is one of the most important parameters to assess the impact of the pandemic. Today at Fvg there are around 600 beds dedicated exclusively to Covid, and the alarm threshold is getting closer every day. As mentioned, the situation in the ICU is less serious, since the indicator is below 30 percent and the bed occupancy rate does not seem galloping.
Meanwhile, the Region is preparing the first “children’s” report from the orange zone. A restriction review procedure can be launched with the government on Friday, but from then on a stable improvement of the parameters must be demonstrated for at least two weeks, without reversing. It means that at least until the first ten days of December, if all goes well and not worse, we should stay in the orange zone.
Emergency admissions show no signs of stopping. In Pordenone hospital in recent days there has been a new peak. By now, the influx of Covid patients is roughly double the number of discharges that can be fixed. In just over a week it has gone from about one hundred to 140 hospitalized Covid patients. The beds have become insufficient. So much so that the Asfo management is currently deciding to prepare a fourth Covid department in Santa Maria degli Angeli. The departments that had been planned, in fact, can no longer accommodate the sick. To this situation must be added the emergency of emergency rooms that have been in trouble for days. The twelve intensive care seats have also been full for days.
And the Spilimbergo hospital’s medical department, which could have represented a kind of “relief valve” for Pordenone, has been shielded: nearly a dozen are positive operators (including doctors and nurses). Insufficient staff does not allow more entries. Gradually, the patients who are now will have to be discharged or transferred to allow sanitation and the reopening of the room. As long as there is the staff to do it. In addition, the situation is further aggravated by the absence in hospitals and health districts of the Asfo, due to the coronavirus infection, of a hundred nurses, oss and doctors who are forced to quarantine. The absences that put departments and staff having to deal with the emergency are even more difficult with shift work increasingly difficult to make ends meet. With this week, the emergency plan that had been drawn up in recent weeks, insufficient due to the advance of the wave of hospitalizations, foresees a further reduction in surgical activities. Of the five operating rooms that remain after the first reduction, four will remain: two dedicated to various emergencies, two to oncological cases. A strategy that allows assigning the release of medical and nursing staff to Covid departments. Which, in the next few hours, could multiply to four. In fact, the influx of patients is twice that of discharges: a low intensity external structure would be needed to accommodate those who can leave the hospital. But Maniago’s RSA is not ready yet.
To the departments of Medicine (the second was activated about ten days ago) that guarantee about 90 beds are added the 34 of Pulmonology (about ten of which are semi-intensive). During the weekend, the approximately 20 beds of the Hand Surgery were also reconverted, where non-urgent interventions were suspended. But it has been seen that places may not be enough. Therefore, it will be necessary to obtain an additional Covid area in the Surgery Service of Pavilion A. The hypothesis of a short hospital stay does not seem feasible since there are several patients who cannot be discharged or displaced. Probably about thirty beds will be located in one of the surgical rooms. Hoping the admissions curve will flex. Then there is the serious problem of understaffing. And operators are making a desperate call: We need to accelerate hiring.
Last updated: 08:29