A terrifying counteroffensive. The Coronavirus Covid-19 has once again scared us, to make us fear the worst as in the days of the confinement. The virus wants to bring back the calendar with contagion punctures and the sound of record health reports, like yesterday’s that in our province had the effect of a punch in the face: 209 positive cases. Never have so many registered in one day. Even the 126 infections on Friday, in comparison, now appear as a simple warning of what was boiling in the pot and that the general director of the ASL of Latina, Giorgio Casati, had announced at the last institutional summit in the Prefecture: ” Let’s prepare for an increase. Substantial cases. “
Certainly the Government is preparing itself and, to take the necessary countermeasures, has already announced another Dpcm whose draft will be formalized by the hour: “As of October 26, the activities of the catering services (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors , patisseries) are suspended on Sundays and holidays; the rest of the days are allowed from 5 to 18 “. The preliminary draft provides that from 6:00 p.m. the consumption of food and beverages in public places and open to the public is prohibited, while catering with home delivery is allowed in compliance with hygiene and health regulations. Take-out catering is allowed until midnight, with prohibition of consumption on site or in the immediate vicinity. And again: “all people are strongly recommended not to travel, by public or private means of transport, to a municipality other than their residence, domicile or domicile, except for proven needs for work or study, for health reasons , for situations of need or to carry out activities or use services that are not suspended and not available in this municipality. Then stop at theaters, cinemas and casinos; The didactic and educational activities for the first cycle of education – maternal, primary and secondary – and for educational services for children will continue to be developed in person. Secondary schools will adopt distance education equivalent to 75% of the activities and 25% in presence throughout the national territory, standardizing regional ordinances. Finally: possible closure of the squares after 9 pm and stop at gyms, swimming pools and game rooms.
We are back in the trenches, therefore, and it could not be otherwise before this resurgence of the Covid. Yesterday, of the 209 provincial cases, 62, those announced by the ASL that become 71, including guests and operators, as announced by the Crisis Unit of the Lazio Region, are linked to the cluster of the nursing home ” Domus Aurea “. Itri. “We inform you that, due to the high number of positives found in a social assistance center in Itri,” explained the Asl, “the Crisis Unit has been activated and patients who have developed pneumonia are being transferred to hospital structures, while Remaining guests, along with employees, will remain in the structure and will be subject to telemonitoring.
The other positives? Here is the distribution: Latina 35, Aprilia 30, Cisterna 13, Formia 13, Terracina 10, Minturno 6, Sermoneta 5, Roccagorga 5, Gaeta 5, Santi Cosma and Damiano 5, Fondi 4, Castelforte 3, Sezze 2, Priverno 2, Pontinia 2, Sabaudia 2, Bassiano 1, Cori 1, Maenza 1, Sonnino 1, Lenola 1. The deaths of two patients, domiciled in Itri and Latina, were also recorded, bringing the total count to 47. The rest of the framework provincial general sees 2,632 cases; 45.75 prevalence; 815 cured; 1,770 positives, of which 1,639 attended at home (131 Pontine hospitalized).
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