L ‘self certification Covid returns to the fore with night lock in Lombardy, Campania me Lazio: will serve in the next nights of curfew to indicate your personal data and the reason for leaving home. Movements during the night (from 11.00 p.m. in Lombardy and Campania, from 12.00 p.m. in Lazio) will in fact be allowed only for urgent or commercial reasons and must be accredited using a self-certification form.
the new self-certification form, exactly as expected in the lockdown period, it must be signed by those who will be stopped in the street for a check and handed it over to the police, explaining the reasons why you were away from home. The only loophole to avoid the fine (which can reach up to 3,000 euros) is to prove that you are on the street for accredited work or emergency reasons.
Download the self-certification form (Pdf)
The self-certification form available on the Lazio region website
The form must indicate the reason for leaving, the place from where the move began, the destination and the duration of the absence from home. You will have to declare that you are aware of the coronavirus containment measures in force, that you are not subject to quarantine and that you have not tested positive for Covid-19.
All fines (and amounts) for those who violate the anti-contagion rules
It should be remembered that according to the sanctioning system provided for by Decree Law No. On the 19th, the new sanctions provide for a possible criminal complaint and a fine of up to 5,000 euros. Those who violate quarantine, on the other hand, run the risk of being imprisoned for up to 5 years, unless the act constitutes a negligent crime against public health, a crime punishable by imprisonment of up to 12 years. Only yesterday, October 20, 2020, 67,832 people were controlled, 248 were sanctioned and 5 denounced.
Coronavirus, the latest news
With the increase in infections, the measures that the Regions are taking, from north to south, are growing and becoming stricter, until they reach the curfew. The last in chronological order is the Region. Lazio that ordered the blocking of traffic, from 24:00 to 5:00 hours. The ordinance signed by Governor Nicola Zingaretti will come into force from next Friday, while from Monday in the baccalaureate and at the University the lessons will be developed only with distance education.
Curfew in Rome and Lazio: signed ordinance
In Lombardy distance education and curfew from 23:00 to 5:00 effective from tomorrow, Thursday, October 22. The order signed by Governor Fontana establishes the limitations on the opening of shopping centers and new limitations on the food and beverage administration: in practice in Milan from Thursday night you can order a beer in the pub after 6 the afternoon, as long as you stay home. and wait for home delivery. Here all the measurements in detail.
Curfew and new bans in Lombardy
Starting at midnight tomorrow, Thursday, October 22, it will be prohibited to move without reason from one province to another Campania: Valid reasons will be needed to be able to break the prohibition contained in the latest Vincenzo De Luca ordinance that also prescribes that restaurants, bars and pubs must close as of 23.00 on Friday. Everything at home then from midnight to 5:00 in the morning.
The Ordinance of the Campania region and self-certification.
Towards the confinement too Sardinia as announced by the president of the Region Christian Solinas. However, the closure of shopping centers in Piedmont has been denied, where specific local closures are foreseen for individual cities such as in Turin, which will follow the ordinances already applied in Genoa and Bari to limit gatherings in specific nightlife areas.
Conte: “Avoid trips and superfluous activities”
“Avoid unnecessary travel and activities.” This is the appeal of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte who tries to avoid having to translate it into new rules that may, for example, foreshadow a closing the Regions: Palazzo Chigi and the ministries exclude that they are working on a new dpcm but it is certain that a decision on it gym closings.
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Tomorrow a table has been officially convened with the Regions by Francesco Boccia and Roberto Speranza to talk about the strengthening of the monitoring and coordination of the measures and limitations taken by local administrations.
Coronavirus, today’s newsletter, Wednesday October 21: 15,199 new cases and 127 deaths