Genoa. A ultraviolet machinery capable of killing coronavirus and thoroughly disinfect the air and surfaces. Not only does it really exist, not only would it have been effective in a study carried out by the University of Milan, but among the companies that have developed it there are also some Ligurian entrepreneurs.

This is the Socotec Sterilboost Air System, a device distributed by Socotec Italy (leading engineering company in the Testing, Inspection and Certification sector) and invented by a group of entrepreneurs from Liguria and Lombardy. The tool, that anyway is not the only one in development and marketing – It is capable of disinfecting surfaces and large volumes of air in crowded environments in real time. Based on tests carried out by Socotec’s laboratory, SteriBoost proved to be “capable of breaking down all the bacterial loads present in the environment in a short time, even in the presence of people.”
The operation of the device is based on a built-in fan system, which channels the air inside the body of the machine, taking it to a disinfection chamber a UV rays. The post-treatment air leaves 100% sanitized by viruses and bacteria.

“Is a’Fundamental innovation to guarantee the safety of people in closed spaces., whether they are places of work or pleasure -explains the company-. The device, in fact, is capable of rapidly disinfecting the air in crowded places by using UV rays with patented Sterilboost technology, also guaranteeing the disinfection of surfaces ”.
Studies carried out by Laboratorios Socotec Italia and by Viral pathogenesis and biosecurity laboratory of the San Raffaele hospital in Milan they would have shown that “the device is capable of inactivating the infectious load of Covid-19 in liquid suspension very quickly. After only 5 seconds after treatment, a 100% inhibition of the infectious load is observed. and a complete inhibition of virus-induced cell death ”.
The SterilBoost, according to its inventors, “can be used in any busy environment such as shopping malls, hotels, schools, cinemas and theaters, cruise ships, trains, gyms, airports, railway stations “. In addition” it is very versatile: in fact, depending on the size of the rooms to be sanitized, it is produced in different shapes and sizes, with applications wall mounted as a normal air conditioning split and with a special transportable platform, for air treatments from 160 to 12,000 cubic meters “. hour”.