President Fugatti signed the new provincial ordinance, which recognizes (but modifies) President Conte’s Presidential Decree. Bars open until 8:00 p.m. M. (Instead of 6:00 p.m.), Restaurants are open until 10:00 p.m. M., There is no distance education for high school children and the opening of the ski lifts like last year.
Fugatti announced the news during the Rai TGR: first – he said – it is necessary to comply with the economic categories. Therefore, under pressure from merchants and restaurateurs, the hours were extended. In Trentino, bars can stay open until 8 pm Restaurants until 10 pm.
Fugatti said that keeping bars and restaurants open until midnight would not have been possible: “We are leaving and it is not certain that there are no disputes with the national government with a possible resource, the limit of 22 is a good mediation even with respect to our current situation
epidemiological “.
No to distance learning for high school (the government asked for at least 75% of the lessons online): according to Fugatti in Trentino, the problem is not the schools (at the moment there are more than 100 quarantined classes out of 490) ; the problem is rather transportation and the crowds of students outside the school, and we intend to intervene in this.
Finally, an opening for plants: “For our land it is an essential sector,” said Fugatti. But how to do it? “We intend to compare ourselves with other neighboring regions and provinces, from Veneto to Lombardy and Alto Adige, in order to arrive at a security protocol with common rules. We believe that the sector should open up, in safety and with all the guarantees for health, “he said.
An important novelty: with the Fugatti ordinance it imposes the closing of all commercial activities (shops and shopping centers) on Sundays.
Bands and choirs they must suspend all activities, except open-air concerts, in which the performers must be 2 meters apart.
Among the curiosities, also the “recommendation” to people over 70 not meeting people under 30 years old. In practice, grandparents don’t have to hang out with their grandchildren.
A long chapter is dedicated to celebrations in cemeteries: Each municipality must indicate the maximum capacity, with a limit of 2 family members per deceased. For the feast of All Saints there will be an exception to 4 people per family.
Yesterday already Fugatti had anticipated: “Since so far all decisions have been made on the basis of a continuously updated ‘diagnosis’ of the epidemiological situation by our health experts – said Fugatti – we have reason to believe that the lessons can continue in Trentino for the moment in school as it has been done until now, without applying distance education and continuing to observe all the security measures adopted so far. We will continue to improve the school transport service, with the aim of reducing the autonomy of buses, bearing in mind, however, that we are doing everything possible with the public and private transport available.
“In the folds of the Dpcm -added the president who also gave account of a comparison with the Province of Bolzano- we believe that there may be margins to allow restaurants and bars to stay open until 10:00 p.m. instead of 6:00 p.m. : 00 hours provided by the national decree. We have paid special attention to health protocols and there is no reason not to consider them effective at dinner, if they are good for lunch. Also, yesterday, together with the other regional presidents, we pointed out to the Government that closing the dinner actually means forcing the closure of most of the businesses.
The president also spoke on the issue of the opening of ski resorts. “We note with satisfaction that our observations have been accepted by the Government, which in a first draft immediately ordered the closure. Now there is a reasonable mediation that sees us already committed to other regions similar to ours to adopt specific protocols that allow activities to be carried out safely.
Of course if the contagion curve does not impose further restrictions».