The fans are looking forward to returning to the stands of football stadiums to support your team and savor a sense of lost normalcy. the Regions they had approved a document requesting that the maximum limit of attendance to the stadium be increased (1,000 people) 25% of the facilities capacity.
The response of the Cts (Scientific Technical Committee) disappoints everyone who thought they had a better chance of going to the stadium and probably also the players who definitely lack the support and warmth of the public. Indeed, there will be no derogation, the situation of COVID-19 infections, epidemiological conditions do not allow such a risk.
The Scientific Technical Committee has decided reevaluate the proposal in mid-October, when the effects of the reopening of schools are made known and the coronavirus infection curve. Therefore, until then, the current regulations that allow a maximum number of thousand spectators for outdoor events and two hundred people indoors.
The Cts emphasizes that participation in events involving sports competitions of all series constitutes “the maximum expression of criticality for the transmission of the virus “. As we continue reading Daily fact, with reference to the note from the Scientific Technical Committee “it is, however, still essential to ensure the reservation and pre-allocation of the seat with fixed seat, strict compliance with the physical spacing measures of at least 1 meter, hand hygiene and wearing masks. ” “If the event cannot guarantee the aforementioned preventive measures, the figures indicated in the Dpcm must necessarily be reduced by the organizing bodies and placed under the evaluation and responsibility of the competent health authorities.”
The fans, the players, the insiders, however, can still hope. The CTS has only temporarily rejected the increase in spectators at sporting events. In case of comforting news from observing the epidemiological curve, one might also think to a gradual increase in attendance both indoors and outdoors There is no doubt that the effects of the reopening of schools will constitute a fundamental aspect for future policy changes.
In reality, there was not much hope of receiving the green light from the CTS to the proposal to increase the presence of spectators to 25% of the stadium capacity. On the background, the Health Minister Speranza, who said how risky he felt to change the rules of football, and that the country’s priority is school and the subsequent observation of its reopening.
Roberto Speranza He had not ruled out a priori an increase in attendance much more gradual than that required by the Regions, postponing everything to the evaluation of the Scientific Technical Committee, which arrives punctually the following day.
The soccer championship of Serie A 2020/2021, will be stopped on October 4 due to the commitments of the Italian team of Mancini. The stop will last two weeks and will resume with the fourth day from October 17. If the epidemiological situation improves in the meantime, and if the reopening of schools does not bring worrisome effects, the CTS could decide a gradual increase of spectators in the stadiums, but it is unlikely that 25% of capacity will be granted.