Campo de ‘Fiori, piazza Trilussa in Trastevere, piazza Madonna de’ Monti, via del Pigneto and via Pesaro will be closed to the public on weekends, Fridays and Saturdays, from 21:00 to 00:00. This provides for the ordinance to limit the spread of covid-19 that the mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi, signed yesterday, Thursday, October 22. Any violation of the prohibition will be sanctioned with a fine of 400 to 1,000 euros.
This is one of the anticovidious measures indicated by the Public Order and Safety Committee that met in recent days at the Prefecture. The provision will be in effect for now until November 13, 2020, but may be subject to an extension. Access to and egress from open businesses and private homes will be allowed. Monitor the areas of agents of the State Police and the Local Police.
The four squares and areas were chosen based on a series of inspections carried out by the police, as well as on the basis of the news that the places indicated are the main attractions of the city’s nightlife. Here, in fact, it was found “the presence of concentrations of people potentially such as to determine the development of uncontrolled concentrations and the consequent possibility of the spread of forms of infection of the virus.”
The provision goes hand in hand with the other ordinance issued by the Lazio Region that will come into force tonight: a curfew will take effect between 24 and 5. Absolute prohibition to go out except for urgent, work or health reasons , which is accredited by self-certification (as happened during the closing of last spring) that will be accredited at the request of the police called to control the territory.
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The alcohol stop
The Capitol is also working on an anti-convenience store ordinance, again to avoid the risk of gatherings in nightlife areas. A provision that Raggi must sign in the next few hours and that provides for the prohibition of the sale of alcohol on Fridays and Saturdays, from 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. the next day, by any person authorized, for various reasons, for retail sale less. both for takeout and through vending machines and in food and beverage management activities.