Smart work: some sectors more than others risk the crisis and they are destined to accuse her in a predominant way in the following months.
We are not talking about the companies that have personally and are using smart work for the COVID-19 emergency, but about all the sectors that revolve around those companies.
In particular we talk about catering, local transportation as well as the sector cleaning me real estate.
Many workers are likely to be out of work in the next few weeksespecially in September, when you are normally expected to return to work after the August break.
On the other hand, the mayor of Milan Beppe Sala reiterated the need to return to the office by abandoning smart work.
Let’s see in detail which sectors are at risk of crisis due to smart work, which workers are threatened according to the relevant data.

Smart work: sectors at risk of crisis
Due to smart work and office emptying, some sectors are destined for a crisis that could last all 2020.
There are in particular four sectors that in detail are more in crisis than others and according to what the Sole24Ore It would be, as anticipated, local transportation, corporate catering, real estate services, and cleaning.
Regarding local transport, it is estimated that in the period from January to August 2020 there was a reduction the number of passengers compared to the same period in 2019 determined precisely by smart work in lockdown and in the period after.
Giving these numbers, as the business newspaper points out, is Anav, the association of local public transport companies. The same association foresees that between September and December with the reopening of schools and the distance to be respected in the media, the reduction will increase in a new 30%.
For transport companies it means losses on ticket sales which are worth 1.3 billion euros in August and could exceed one billion by the end of the year. To these income losses are added the 150 million Refund for tickets sold.
Smart work, which should be favored by the persistence of the state of emergency, also has a strong impact on catering services for companies.
The canteen crisis Due to prolonged smart work, it is visible in the 340 million least served meals and with an estimated 2020 revenue of 2.7 billion compared to 4 last year.
It should not only be noted that there are many laid-off or laid-off workers with an average age of 50 years and that they are therefore also difficult to relocate.
Not only because the real estate sector is also linked to offices, which would register a decrease in turnover between 5 and 10% due to the use of smart working.
Finally, the crisis refers to cleaning sector even if this manages to mitigate the blow with the operations of disinfection for the COVID-19 emergency that companies resort to. However, the reduction of staff in offices for smart work estimates a 15% drop in turnover cleaning companies in 2020.
Smart work: workers at home
Smart work causes a crisis in some sectors because there are many workers at home and they will continue to stay there for another time. As always reports the Sole24Ore estimates from the Ministry of Labor 800 thousand private employees which are still in smart operation, but obviously the data is not reliable as it only refers to the corporate communications received.
To these are added the public officials who reach 3.5 million workers who work from home. The president of the association of personnel managers Aidp, Isabella Covili Faggioli said in this regard:
“In the coming months, smart work will be confirmed in many companies, until we finally emerge from the pandemic emergency. Our forecast is that for around 20/30 percent of the companies it will be structural, obviously with very different diffusion levels from those experienced in emergencies and with very marked sectoral differences ”.
Structural or not, smart working seems to break a hitherto known equilibrium, it undermines the sectors that revolve around offices, but it is also an opportunity to rethink work, production and the individual’s time.