
“The measure is full.” He said it Giorgia Meloni in connection with the latest alarming news from the Messina reception center, where a new leak of considerable health value was recorded. “Is a illegal immigrant tested positive for Nigerian variant – stressed the leader of the Brothers of Italy – a new form of Covid that would be insensitive to the vaccine and about which little or nothing is still known ”. Meloni then explained why this news raises concern for her and many people: “While Italians are forced to submit to continuous restrictive measures, illegal immigrants seem to easily evade any form of control.”

Hence the request for “Immediate explanations” to the government chaired by Mario draghi and also supported by the Fdi allies, or by Lega and Forza Italia: “We will not undermine the efforts made so far due to the migratory fury of the left. Fdi continues to denounce this enormous contradiction to the detriment of citizens ”. In the specific case of the Messina reception center, the escape would have been attempted by a 16-year-old with a friend.

The alarm was immediately sounded and the searches began, linked not only to public order reasons but also and especially to those of a health nature given the delicate moment that Italy is going through due to the third wave of Covid. The police were able to locate the 16-year-old quite quickly: the boy had walked without knowing that he was positive for the new and very dangerous variant, which until now had only been identified in Naples and Brescia.
