The regional manager ofAsur Marche Nadia Storti had a meeting yesterday morning with the prefect Flavio Ferdani to whom she explained the situation of the health services in the province, both hospital and non-hospital. At the exit of the Government Palace, the chance meeting with the mayor Sandro Parcaroli, who shows him the total availability of the Authority in identifying a room to use as a vaccination center.
Coronavirus in Italy, 24 deaths and 1,648 new positives with 40 thousand more swabs than yesterday. Boom of healed
However, data related to Covid infections and the increase in hospital admissions across the region, including in intensive care facilities, are cause for concern. Asur organized a series of meetings in the different territories with operators to listen to the voices in the field and define the strategy to be adopted. Moreover, a possible second wave would not have, on the part of the public, the tolerance margins that were given at the beginning when Covid 19 took everyone by surprise, tragically knocking down many people and health protection networks raised in the last moment.
Months have already passed to study the data and indicate possible solutions. The Government had ordered them last June with the relaunch decree that, for the Marches, had provided one hundred intensive care places, so many sub-intensive therapy places in addition to the Covid Hospital beds. And it is the Covid Hospital that returns to the field. For today, Asur has organized a technical meeting to discuss the possibility of a reopening of the Civitanova center, desired by the Region, supported by the City Council and carried out by Cisom led by the former guide of civil protection Guido Bertolaso. Reopening of the Covid Hospital to avoid, in the different hospitals, the dangers associated with the double track or the fortuitous proximity between operators, Covid patients and normal users. It is also possible that Asur simply wants to analyze the problem, see the number of beds it has available and take the necessary measures based on the requests. So in the wake of what was done for the first wave of infections: first a hospital, then another, and finally the third. Then the Covid Hospital in Civitanova when the wave receded.
It remains to be seen whether Asur, and the Region, will eventually want to move in the same way or the other way around, first opening up a unique barycentric structure like Civitanova and then expanding, if necessary. One piece of information is constant: both now and then, anesthetists do not seem to like the move to Civitanova. Another element is the same as before: there are no staff. Meanwhile, the first sign has arrived from the Fermo hospital: a formal letter to say that they are no longer accepting Covid patient admissions, they are full, and they have room renovations. A false start, in the hope that the encore is shared and sustainable, whatever it is.