here are the most damaged regions –


Not only cutting 164,970 doses of vaccine. Overall, even more than 29% of supply as of today, according to Pfizer’s announcement. But also a distribution of damage between regions that runs the risk of unleashing a dangerous rivalry mechanism. The smallest, six in everything, from Abruzzo to Umbria, lose nothing. But others are in trouble, such as Friuli Venezia Giulia where the doses will be cut in half, or Lombardy and Emilia Romagna, where 25,000 fewer will arrive. With the result that several regions are slowing down the pace of administration, giving priority to withdrawals, such as Friuli Venezia Giulia. Although there is a risk of slippage for the vaccination of people over 80 years of age, with reservations as of today.

Yesterday the American multinational formally responded to the complaints of the emergency commissioner, Domenico Arcuri, who had asked not to cut the doses and threatened to take legal action. But the Pfizer email certainly doesn’t close the case, because it’s still vague. And, unlike what was written in the press release on Saturday, it does not indicate a precise date for the resumption of supplies at full capacity. The message simply says that “based on current information, supplies will be in line with forecasts.” Too generic and especially without that date of February 25, previously set as the day of return to normality.

In Commissioner Arcuri’s structure, Pfizer’s message was met with some perplexity. Because it is true, it is noted, that “there is a first test of the change but it is not clearly indicated that deliveries will be resumed as provided for in the contract.” A lack that “arouses concern and suggests that there are no conditions to consider the hypothesis of a controversy closed”. It all depends on what happens on February 25th, if it really goes back to standard supplies or not. And it certainly cannot be said that there is a climate of mutual trust.

For days – Italian government sources confirm – cuts and delays have been suspected the supplies are not due to the upgrade of the Belgian Puurs plant, as the company claims. But the fact that Pfizer diverted part of the vials bound for the European Union to non-European countries, willing to pay more. Arcuri does not deny it: “I can’t answer, I can give you a smile,” he answered on television to a question about it. However, Pfizer itself has always refuted the hypothesis. The company reiterates that it is all due to the modernization of the plant in Belgium. And that, indeed, these interventions are necessary to increase the production of the vaccine from 1,300 million to 2,000 million doses, as announced a little more than a week ago. Several large companies, in Italy and abroad, have surveyed their governments and the European Commission to see if they can buy vaccines themselves, in order to vaccinate their employees. But this practice is prohibited by the confidential clauses of the contracts signed by the European Commission. Yesterday the first commercial in support of the vaccination campaign by Giuseppe Tornatore was presented. The next one will be about the youth.

Jan 18, 2021 (change Jan 18, 2021 | 03:26)

