
The countdown to the start of lessons, officially, it is in the “minus four”. But for one in five Roman students, this lengthy school lockdown, which has now exceeded six months, is likely to continue even longer, at least another ten days, rounding out the mark of the constitutional referendum. From Primavalle to Ostia, there are many cards that are already reaching the tables of the Region. The alarm comes from the directors who, in fact, have been discharged the responsibility of the reopening.
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Mario Rusconi, president of the association of deans of Rome and Lazio, says it clearly: “To date, 20 percent of the schools in Rome and its province cannot reopen, but in the capital the municipality leaves all the responsibility on our shoulders.” And so, while in the Campidoglio the delays in the execution of the works and in the search for new spaces are remembered, it is up to the school councils to ask for the postponement, with some schools that initially will offer their students just one hour and average lesson per week. “In the secondary schools of Lazio, according to the data we have, to allow all students to return safely to their desks, 473 classrooms are missing – explains Rusconi – which rises to a thousand if we consider all the institutions, from elementary to” .
Among the cries of pain that come from various realities of the capital, that of the state high school “Vittorio Gassman”, Primavalle: about the “non-granting of additional premises and alternative spaces” by the Municipality, writes the director Daniela Nappa, to fill that even the 15 classrooms “loaned” by the general school “Pio La Torre” in via di Torrevecchia are not enough. In the Trionfale the request for postponement to September 24 comes from the comprehensive institute “Paolo Stefanelli”, where the manager Flavio Di Silvestre asks to avoid “a false start susceptible to forced arrests.” In Torre Maura, on the other hand, the school board is forced to back down: “The light work is not finished yet, but the resolution has not been authorized – explains Annalisa Laudando, director of the comprehensive school via Poseidone – We are not ready, but we must stick to the regional calendar and then reopen on Monday.
“Let’s open after the referendum”, so we could summarize the letter of 22 school directors of the schools of Ostia and Fiumicino who express their “strong concern” about the resumption of the lessons scheduled for September 14 and ask “to evaluate the postponement.” In Tiburtino, in school childhood Airone the educational officer has put pencil on paper that without compliance with all security measures will not open again. The “Giorgi-Woolf” Institute of Higher Education in Viale Togliatti will also be postponed, while the 1,250 IC students in Via Fabiola will stay at home in Monteverde. In Torpignattara the families of the IC Laparelli students ask, in vain, for modalities on the reopening. In Ponte Galeria, no certainty has arrived about the reopening of September 14: the XI City Council has issued a note without schedules and without practical information. And in the province the opening of some schools in Ciampino, Colleferro and Frosinone has already been postponed.
Meanwhile, yesterday the prefecture summit with Common and Region. La Pisana recalled the hiring of 300 doctors dedicated to schools. The prefect Matteo Piantedosi, to avoid confusion, has pointed out a way: it is the ASL, with the principal, to decide whether to close a class or a school. The Municipality has announced that it has not yet rented any bus, Atac is still evaluating. For now, according to the Capitol, the ones there are enough.
Last updated: 22:01