
The beatings of Paragone: how the immigration emergency was born (and who created it)
Gianluigi comparison
]n these days the mainstream press has deliberately not focused attention on the issue of landings. She only mentioned it because the Lampedusa issue was and is too critical. But the need prevailed not to expose the government and Minister Lamorgese to blatant criticism and, above all, not to favor “enemies”.
However, the issue is destined to return to the present and attempts to hide the debate will be futile: it will – as always – address the issue for what it is, which is an emergency to which the European Union has not been able to respond. . and to which he added irresponsible policies such as transforming Italy into a European hotspot.
In fact, the issue does not concern this or that reception center to close or regulate, the problem lies precisely in the progressive decision of Brussels to pay Italian governments to “welcome” migrants and leave them here. As we must speak, the European Union must shoulder its responsibilities. Which I would briefly list in some points.
First. With the complicity of Brussels, France continues to suffocate the economy of its former colonies and explode (even with the deception of a currency that nominally changes labels but essentially remains the CFA franc, that is, a currency anchored to the French central bank; in. herself anomalous in the eurozone …) resources that push men to emigrate. This logic of exploitation and social instability to the detriment of others is extended by the Paris government where it does not control its weak points on the border with Italy (Ventimiglia) and Great Britain (Calais). All this in the utmost indifference of the EU, which wants to punish the British for the Brexit vote and the Italians for similar temptations.

Second. The European Union, by giving generous contributions to border governments – also known as “paying” – is thinking of smuggling flexibility with hospitality: I give you some money and you don’t bother me in the northern countries, Germany in the first place. With the logic of payment, Germany solved the problem of the Syrians (blocking the Balkan corridor after an agreement with the dangerous Turkish government of Erdogan) and in the same way Brussels paying Italy (ask Renzi how much he charged) transformed us into a hotspot.
Third. The European Union uses border controls in alternating lights: it turns a blind eye to friendly countries, it becomes severe with countries to be penalized. If this is the foreign policy of the Commission, let us keep cool.

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Fourth. In the logic of the weakening of sovereign states, the European Union does nothing to hinder the migratory flow functional to the worst globalization, and therefore to globalization: everything that finances do not take advantage of will be completed with an uninterrupted migratory babel. Obviously, right-minded people reduce this passage to conspiracy theories, the truth is that neoliberal criminal design is not only underway but, in fact, serves to ensure that citizens are forced to follow the logic of leveling rights and wages. In addition to the growing social unrest.
Apart from the conspiracy: the migratory flows serve to increase the army of people willing to accept any labor exploitation, to live in overcrowded rooms, to divide the communities of the city.
Closing ports and stopping arrivals is essential, but it is also important to return blackmail to the member countries of the Union: to carry the burden of migrants and leave them free at the sources with France and Austria. Italy cannot act as a hotspot, especially in this phase of social unrest. Therefore, if it is about making us pass as the “bad guys” in history, we will accept it. There is nothing worse than the hypocrisy of the best.