here are the compensation for bars, restaurants, gyms and companies


After the forced closures, here comes the soda. Today, in fact, the government could allocate between 5 and 6 billion for the compensation of bars, gyms, restaurants but also for the extension of the redundancy fund, emergency income and the cessation of the IMU quota for December. The decree with new aid dedicated to the sectors most affected by the latest tightening decided to curb the epidemic is scheduled for this morning in the Council of Ministers.

RECIPIENTS. According to initial estimates, approximately 350,000 companies will receive the new subsidy. The refreshment stations will be used for all those activities that, due to the provisions inserted in the Dpcm just entered into force, have had to close or limit the opening hours and will be released from the loss of billing. The activities will be selected by the Ateco codes. The global refund should be higher than the previous one: from 100% to 200% of what the companies obtained with the Relaunch decree, depending on the drop in turnover. We are thinking of two types of aid stations: higher for those who have been forced to completely close the business, lower for those who will only have to anticipate the suspension of commercial activity.
MODE. The reimbursement will be made by the Tax Agency, as it happened with the previous non-refundable aid. The Agency may automatically credit the taxpayer’s current account for the amount owed. The provisioning, meanwhile, will be automatic for those who have already obtained the contribution in the first edition and, as announced by Minister Gualtieri, no application will have to be submitted.
TIMES. The objective is to publish the decree in the Official Gazette as of today and start disbursements from mid-November.
OTHER MEASURES. In addition to the non-refundable contributions, the government has announced both the refinancing of layoffs for another 18 weeks and the refinancing of emergency income for one month. Additionally, there is also a one-time allowance for seasonal tourism, entertainment and sports workers. A new tax credit for commercial rentals and the cancellation of the Imu fee are expected for next December.
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Last updated: Tuesday, October 27, 2020, 08:34

