
Paolo Zappitelli
Thermoscanner at the entrance of schools or individual classes and tensioned structures within school buildings to increase the space available for students. These are some of the points of the resolution presented by the center-right in the Chamber that have been accepted by the government. And along with these, the points related to the need to take into account the needs of non-Covid-19 patients (and, among these, chronic patients and cancer patients) were also accepted; guarantee effective protection, from now until the end of the emergency, to fragile workers and people with disabilities; Provide specific and appropriate interventions for various weaknesses, in order not to further isolate children, youth and people with disabilities.
A small victory for the center-right that, however, had presented a document with 22 points. Of these, only four were accepted. All others rejected, including a number of measures to support activities in crisis. Among these was the proposal to guarantee the availability and execution of rapid antigenic swabs in affiliated private pharmacies present throughout the national territory, also by pharmacists themselves, defining for this purpose a special protocol in consultation with related parties; Adopt initiatives for the improvement of local public transport, aimed at ensuring adequate separation in all public transport, also through the stipulation of agreements with private operators, in order to guarantee its operation in safe conditions for related users and operators; foresee additional and more effective compensation measures for activities obliged to close and stop working, guaranteeing the direct payment of the refreshment measure to the checking accounts of all workers, including the self-employed, damaged by new limitations, and ensuring reimbursement 75% of the monthly turnover declared in 2019 for companies with less than 50 employees; Allow the reopening of productive activities based on security protocols and not based on ATECO codes, allowing the exercise of all commercial activities, including restaurants, bars, swimming pools, gyms and others, that can guarantee the application of the protocols. safety; to modify Decree Law 137/2000, the so-called “Refreshment Decree”, establishing that the right to refreshments, based on the funds allocated, also applies to activities affected by new restrictive measures adopted by the Regions in President of the Council of Ministers.
A series of important proposals but to which the government has once again preferred to say no. “I am glad if you listen to us, but I will not change my opinion about the government – Matteo Salvini commented to AdnKronos, entering the Senate – Tomorrow they will vote on the Zan bill in the Chamber, while the world talks about something else. They still live on Mars, but if we can limit the damage, I’m happy.