here are the aids. No contributions are paid for hiring women


Maneuver, women's work: here are the aids.  No contributions are paid for hiring women

The benefits for those who decide to hire an unemployed woman in the 2021-2022 biennium are doubled: the contribution relief reaches one hundred percent. For a maximum of six thousand euros per year. The rule, based on the latest circulated drafts, is contained in the budget maneuver. And it adds to the relief for hiring under 35s (both men and women). In fact, these are the historically most fragile categories in the world of work. Those who are “unloaded” in the first difficulties. And this crisis is no exception. Young people and women are confirmed as the main “victims” of the labor market. The female component even more. According to OECD data for October, in Italy, female unemployment increased from 10.6% to 10.8%, while male unemployment fell from 9% to 8.7%. In the second quarter of this terrible year – it is detected by the INPS / Ministry of Labor observatory – in the face of a generalized decline in employment, women are the ones who paid the highest price with 470,000 jobs lost compared to the same period in 2019, a percentage drop of 4.7% compared to -2.7% for male employment.


There is also a huge gap between women and men in terms of salary: compared to an average annual salary of 25,288 euros for men, female workers remain at 17,466 euros (INPS data for the whole of 2019). This is almost eight thousand euros a year, a huge figure, 31% less than the 16% registered in the rest of Europe. The greater spread of part-time work among women has repercussions, it is a pity that it is increasingly not a choice, but an obligation imposed by the employer. Reducing these gaps is not only an ethical imperative, but also has its economic value with positive impacts on GDP. As the Minister of Labor Nunzia Catalfo recently recalled, “according to Bloomberg calculations based on Eurostat data, if the female employment rate in Italy were equal to that of men, GDP would increase by 88,000 million euros. Not only. According to a 2019 investigation by the International Labor Organization, companies that are committed to gender equality obtain a higher level of productivity. Even the economists of the Bank of Italy have tried to estimate the positive impacts on GDP in the case of a reduction in gender gaps: half a point more in the case of wage parity; 7 points if the gap in the employment rate were also cut in half. Therefore, focusing on a greater participation of women in the labor market makes money for everyone.


The 100% contribution exemption for those who hire women does not establish age limits: it also applies to older workers, well over 35 years of age. And it is valid throughout Italy, in the North and in the Center and in the South. The rule, experimental for two years, recalls (doubling the subsidy) the device contained in Law 92 of 2012 that already provided for a 50% contribution relief for “women of any age, without regular paid employment for at least six months , residing in regions eligible for funding from the European Union Structural Funds “and for the recruitment” of women of any age without regular paid employment for at least 24 months, residing everywhere. ”There is only one clause: the hiring “must imply a net increase in employment calculated based on the difference between the number of registered workers in each month and the number of workers employed on average in the previous twelve months.” Therefore, there must be additional hiring existing staff.


Employee work, but not alone. To stimulate female employment, the maneuver foresees the creation of a fund for female entrepreneurship, “with specific attention to high-tech sectors.” Non-reimbursable grants, interest-free or subsidized loans, and management technical assistance courses are envisaged. The fund has 20 million for 2021 and another as many for 2022.

Last update: 00:49

