Red zone me emergency shutdown, as if nothing had happened. A big fight on the street Ercolano, in the province of Naples, between the parked cars and the indignant people from the windows to retake the scene, has unleashed anger on social networks in these hours.
But didn’t they all have to stay home with their families? 🤔😳☹️#ercolano #Christmas #root pic.twitter.com/derpATIlUU
– Twiterapista (@ Camilllinha28) Dec 24, 2020
Despite the closure and restrictions, dozens of people have faced kicking and punching between the screams and the crazy horns. The video, which went viral on the network, was posted by a man who recounted the sad program commenting: “This is Herculaneum.
Natale, Lamorgese: “Do not give up controls, subway ticket fees”
Covid Rome, squeezed in parties: more fines for nightlife. Soldiers in front of the premises
Covid in Rome, fights and zero distances: hell in Campo de ‘Fiori
Last update: 10:44