“Help me, at 50 starting over is difficult” PHOTO


“Help me because at 50 starting over is difficult.” It is the desperate call of Fiorenzo Hor, the pastor who lost everything in the weekend flood. His flock has always been his life. On Saturday, Toce swallowed them all in less than an hour. He cries and says: “I have nothing. I have lost everything. It was hard to watch them die and not be able to save them. It is not only for an economic question ”.

The carcasses of the animals now lie in the muddy meadows of Bosco Tenso. Municipality of Premosello and ASL del Vco discuss how to organize disposal. Specialized companies are needed for its recovery. A health problem of no small importance. Sheep, goats, rams drowned in the deluge of Toce. There are about 1200 leaders. Many were carried away by the current of the waters of the Valley.

Fiorenzo this morning, invited by the mayor Giuseppe Monti participated in the meeting with the vice president of the regional council, Fabio Carosso. Like him, businessmen and residents of the town of Ossola responded to the call. Here in lower Ossola, the damage to houses is really huge. Premosello, as in the Vogognese village of Calami and even higher up in Pallanzeno, many families have had to throw away furniture and appliances.
