
More than two hundred enforcement measures yet to be drafted to make all the measures contained in theCOVID-19, from Cura Italia to decree August. The resources allocated by the government to combat the emergency, but still firm due to the delays in the publication of the second-level decrees, they amount to several billion. Cura Italia, approved in March, requires 34 measures, of which 24 have been approved so far. The relaunch decree needs many more, 137, of which according to the latest data processed by Openpolis, the foundation that deals with transparency in public administration, 52 were approved, 11 more than in September.
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Another mosaic: the August decree, after the passage to the Chambers, saw the execution decrees of 37 (only one was authorized on October 12) go down to nearly three times. Also keep an eye out for the Simplifications decree (38 execution decrees still to be cooked) and the Liquidity decree (8 required measures, of which there is still no trace). Altogether (even considering that the reconversion of the August decree has just ended and therefore objectively there has been little time) we are talking about more than 300 measures to be approved, of which less than a third (77) have been issued so far . The ministries are mainly in charge of implementing decrees, measures necessary to complete the effects of the laws that regulate the country.
Some of these measures have a deadline to meet and that is often not respected, while others do not have a deadline within which they should see the light. As of July 30, the date on which the last monitoring of the Office for the government program is updated, the provisions relating to Cura Italia not yet issued and already expired were 4, with respect to the relaunch decree, instead, up to 17 implementing decrees were out of date for that given. Only one third of the measures required by Dl Simplification and Liquidity do not have an expiration date. But where are the delays concentrated? Openpolis also calculates that the Ministry of Economy must finish preparing about twenty measures for the implementation of the regulations foreseen in the epidemiological emergency, that of Infrastructures more than 30, that of Economic Development about fifteen, like so many the Ministry of Agricultural Policies. , food and forestry, about ten for the Interior.
The foundation points out a series of expired decrees that in fact have not been adopted on the website of the Office for the government program to date: they range from defining the criteria and methods for the disbursement of non-reimbursable contributions to companies in the recreational and entertainment sector to the distribution of the fund for municipalities particularly damaged by the health emergency of Covid-19 at the headquarters of the Ministry of the Interior, to the Mipaaf on criteria, methods and amount of the contribution to be paid by the chain of supply attending, to that of MIT, for the approval of guidelines for the investigation of the state of conservation of tunnels throughout the state and highways managed by Anas. The implementing decree must be published within 45 days to activate the cash-back plan to support electronic consumption and payments.
The delay with which the implementation of the decrees travels blocks the resources that the government has decided to direct to combat the emergency triggered by Covid-19, but it must be said that only a part of the credits provided for by the decrees examined need measures for second level for disbursements to take off. The Government Program Office takes the Cura Italia decree as an example and explains that 83 percent of the sums allocated for 2020 by Cura Italia depend on self-enforcement regulations, while 17 percent of the allocations (approximately 4 billion euros) requires an enforcement measure: as of July 30, the ministerial decrees not received remained in force almost 1,200 million euros in this case.