Heart transplant to a 28-year-old young man on Christmas Eve at the Niguarda in Milan- Corriere.it


Heart transplant in the Christmas night at the Niguarda hospital from Milan. Claudio Russo and the Cardicenter staff, supported by De Gasperis Foundation. “It was a difficult day,” says the chief doctor, “which began with an operation on a forty-year-old who had an infected heart prosthesis and ended, in fact, with this transplant, which is the twenty-fourth we have performed this year.” On the night of December 24, the team of cardiac surgeons performed surgery at the Milan hospital. emergency heart transplant in a 28-year-old, not disposable. Affected by a serious heart disease with the risk of serious life-threatening arrhythmias, he was hospitalized for some time in Niguarda, he underwent surgery during the night thanks to the availability of a compatible heart, from a donor outside the region.

«It is a double message of hope – comments the president of the De Gasperis Foundation, Benito Benedini – because shows that the excellences of Niguarda remain such even in full Covid emergency».

December 26, 2020 | 09:34

