Healthy but uncertified: forbidden asylum for a child


In the Covid era, back to school turns into an odyssey. The protagonist of the daring attempts to “return to Ithaca”, in this case a municipal preschool, is a Veronese family with three children. On Thursday, the eldest daughter in elementary school is upset. Complains of colds and a few coughs, the thermometer shows fever lines above the 37.5 watershed. The decision that the child does not go to school is obvious and, in any case, mandatory. A destiny that, as a precaution, also affects the two brothers: one in the same school as her sister, the other in the first year of kindergarten. Although healthy and without any symptoms, they have been in close contact with a potential infected: the sister with a cold.

After a trip to Legnago e a wait of more than two hours to undergo the test, on Friday the girl is cleaned. The result is negative, suspect Covid on file, sigh of relief: this is one of the innumerable seasonal ills to which children are particularly, and often, subject. But this is when the paradox begins. Upon returning home, the woman contacts the pediatrician to inform him of the negativity of the tampon. Once the report has been sent via WhatsApp, in a few minutes the doctor will send you the certificate back to school on Monday by email. But the problem now is the little brother. In excellent shape, without even sneezing for the past few days, cannot be readmitted to school.

If a self-declaration signed by the parents is sufficient for the pupil attending elementary school to return to class after the two days of preventive absence, a medical certificate is required for the youngest in kindergarten. However, the pediatrician has no intention of making it known. «He explained to me that the legislation in these cases does not provide for a medical certificate. I pointed this out to the teachers but they reiterated that the provisions are different for them and that without a certificate, my son will not be accepted on Monday. And at this point I have no idea when and how it will be possible, “says the woman who spent Friday afternoon trying to unravel the problem, failing.

«The buffer option also for the other two children to demonstrate negativity is not feasible– the doctor does not prescribe it to two completely healthy children, at home only by contact with suspicion, then it is found negative. I really don’t know how. I spent the afternoon calling the Covid assistance number that they had indicated to me as a reference: it rang empty for hours, “concludes the woman, amid the exasperation, anguish and irony of those who probably already knew that this Her return to the banks All this, among other things, after a morning certainly not easy.

“In and around the city, the first available appointment for a tampon would have been on Wednesday, six days later: it would be impossible to wait that long,” says the mother, a worker, forced to travel to Legnago. Then, on Friday morning, mother and daughter left for La Bassa, traveling almost 120 kilometers each way. Appointment at 9.50 am, with the recommendation to appear at least 10 minutes before, the girl was subjected to the hyssop just a few minutes before noon, after waiting more than two hours standing in the sun. •

Cola in Bussolengo for tampons

Ilaria Noro
