Healthcare in Calabria, Commissioner of Habemus: Guido Longo is the man chosen by the government


27 November 2020 18:33

Health care in Calabria is finally official: the new Commissioner of the Region in Acta is the Prefect Guido Longo

“At the proposal of the Minister of Economy and Finance, in consultation with the Minister of Health, after consulting the Minister of Regional Affairs” the council of ministers “Resolves to appoint Dr. Guido Longo which Commissioner ad acta for the implementation of the current plan to repay the deficits of the health services of the Calabria region. This is what we read in the draft resolution entering the CDM tonight.

Calabria, Longo must report its activity to Conte every 6 months

The Government resolves “entrust the Commissioner ad acta to report every six months to the President of the Council of Ministers and the accompanying Ministries on the activity carried out, in execution of the Commissioner’s mandate, without prejudice to the quarterly and annual controls provided for by current legislation“This is what we read in the decree appointing Guido Longo as the new health commissioner in Calabria.

Who is Guido Longo

Guido Longo, appointed health commissioner in Calabria tonight, is 68 years old and was born in Catania. He graduated from the University of Catania with a law degree and is licensed to practice law. Winner of the contest, in 1978 he entered the career of Public Safety Officer. In 1979 he was awarded the “Luigi Calabresi” prize as the best student at the Higher Police School. Also in the same year, he was assigned to the Reggio Calabria Police Headquarters with the task of directing a Section of the local Flying Squad, later, also of the local Flying Squad, he held the position of Director of the Homicide Section, coordinating operations very important of international importance. After the first experience in the Reggio police headquarters, he was in Palermo during the 92 massacres, first in the Flying Squad as director of the narcotics and homicide sections and then as deputy director of the Dia center, then in Naples, in Rome promoted to central service. , in Caserta after the Castelvolturno massacre, then again in Reggio and Palermo. He is responsible for the results of major anti-mafia operations in Campania, including the capture of the Casalesi superlatives Antonio Iovine, Michele Zagaria and the absolute leader of the Francesco Schiavone clan known as “Sandokan.” He was prefect of Vibo Valentia from March 2017 until May 30, 2018, when he was discharged due to age limits. Since last July 28, he has been in charge of the commissioner of the Partinico City Council, in Sicily.

Guido Longo, new health commissioner in Calabria, the message of Prime Minister Conte

“The new health commissioner of Calabria is the prefect Guido Longo. A man from the institutions who has already worked in Calabria, always in defense of legality ”. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte affirms this on his social channels.

Guido Longo, Bonafede: “the right choice, the State will make its presence felt”

The appointment of the prefect Guido Longo, a man who has always fought for legality and against organized crime, is the right choice for Calabrian healthcare. With this decision, the state will be able to make its presence felt“. M5S Head of Delegation writes on Facebook Alfonso Bonafede.

Coronavirus, Calabria becomes “orange zone”. This is what changes
