Healthcare in Brescia is bearing the brunt of the second wave of Covid


Brescia hold on. Hospitals have organized to admit patients with COVID-19 and, at the same time, guarantee the cure of all other diseases. All the directors of the Brescia network, public and private accredited, have released beds so that they are not caught unaware. Because if it is true that the number of people to be hospitalized in Brescia is relatively low, the same cannot be said for Milan and its province, but also for Brianza and Varese. “Here the bank is jumping” said a doctor at a major Milan hospital who admitted 60 Covid patients yesterday alone.

The management of the second wave aims to prevent the collapse of a single hospital in the region. So when the Milanese can’t take it anymore, patients are transferred to Brescia or in other provinces where the pressure is lower. Also yesterday, the transfers of some patients from Milan to Brescia continued, while the hospitals and centers of the four Asst in our province are gradually increasing the number of beds. Poliambulanza also made available about thirty, which released the ambulatory surgery plan and the same number at the Sant’Anna Clinical Institute.

The Civil – As it was told to our newspaper, the general manager Massimo Lombardo, has developed a plan that foresees the gradual increase of places – from 14 to 30 in intensive care and an increase to 120 in acute wards – based on the pandemic trend. With a difference from what happened during the first wave: the sick, even the most serious, remain hospitalized on average fewer days than what happened in March-April and this allows a faster turnover. Not only. Those in worse health conditions and perhaps even requiring intensive care, are hospitalized in the Civile, which is one of the 18 Covid reference hospitals (hub) in the Region.

The Civil patients themselves, if they improve and need less intensive care, are transferred to Montichiari or Gardone Val Trompia where about sixty places have been released in total. Other places, again due to less serious situations, are gradually being filled in all the hospitals in the province where wards have been closed or merged. We also remember that Surgical interventions were canceled in all radio hospitals. that can be postponed so that “free” doctors and nurses are ready to face the Covid emergency. In Civil, 80% of surgical activity is guaranteed, while outpatient services continue for everyone.