Salud, proclaimed the state of turmoil in general medicine. Lack of investment for new hires on the local network, grueling work shifts and up to 20,000 co-workers infected with COVID and no coverage from Inail are the reasons behind the protest.
Health, I general practitioners ei free choice pediatricians they proclaim it agitated state. As if the announcement of the public employment strike Set for next December 9, the announcement of the health professional unions also arrives today Federation of CIPe SISPe SINSPe, Fp Cgil Doctors and Executives Ssn, Flap, SIMET, SMI me WITH US.
At the heart of the medical-reported malaise is obviously the Coronavirus pandemic with its burden of deaths among health workers, work overload and at the same time persistent lack of staff and Personal protection equipment.
“We are facing a tragedy that is affecting citizens and the world of the medical professions. Two hundred colleagues have died on the job since the start of the pandemic. In this second phase of the pandemic we are witnessing not only the collapse of hospitals and emergency rooms, but also the collapse of the territory ”.,
read a single union note.
Health, the dramatic situation of doctors
The malaise in the world of health thus adds to the strike proclaimed for December 9 in general by the world of public works.
However, just a few weeks ago, after a meeting with the confederal unions on November 7, the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza had issued a rather optimistic statement:
“It is important to have a constant dialogue with workers’ representatives on health and safety issues in the workplace and on the investments made for the staff of our National Health Service”
Obviously, the optimism was not entirely founded, since now general practitioners and pediatricians of free choice report an unsustainable situation with exhausting work shifts to carry out daily activities despite the fury of the COVID-19.
The result is that today there are 20,000 health professionals generally infected and this number increases the workload of others.
A job that currently includes activities such as the care of neoplastic, diabetic, oncological patients that are no longer followed by the specialized services that thepandemic emergency and caring for COVID patients who are not hospitalized, that is, on average 1 his 35 with all the requirements regarding quarantine.
But, faced with this situation, what are the professional organizations of doctors asking for?
Doctors’ claims: hiring and more protections
The unions of doctors and pediatricians report that so far they have not seen any structural investment in the territorial fabric of general medicine. In particular, they complain about the lack of:
- assumptions in Dry, the special care continuity units that must also support local doctors in the fight against COVID and whose tasks consist of the home management of those infected who do not need hospitalization;
- strengthening the staff of hygiene and public health offices, with new hires of general practitioners, medical guards, 118 me prison doctors for prisons where the contagion situation has become explosive in the meantime and for free-choice pediatricians;
- protections for doctors sick with coronavirus and that are currently even no nail coverage.
Furthermore, the critical situation of health workers who must face the epidemic has been well known for some time, since the dramatic days of March. Now it would be a question on the part of the government and the regions to go from the communicative activity of persuasion that everything is ready for an improvement of the National Health Service to the practical implementation of what has been promised for several months.