At 8:02 a.m., all chaos broke out in via San Giovanni in Valle. One of the tenants of number 11 shows the clock that marks the exact time of the explosion: its glass is cracked and the hands are stuck in the freeze frame of what could have been a massacre with about ten victims.
“We are all miraculously alive, we survived but full of rage because it could have been prevented, because this is the tragedy of a man who has always been sick, threatening, violent, aggressive, abandoned to himself. And he proved it to be dangerous, injuring several people, including a little girl who was slapped. We could all die this morning wanted to make us fly. He said it and he did it».
The people who live there, in one of the most beautiful streets of Veronetta, repeat as if it were a script that “I was sick, I was being treated at the Borgo Trento mental health center, I also had a support administrator, but not whom We have not even addressed the police who have had to come here several times, did something to avoid this hell. We lived in terror, but no one listened to us. And now here we are».
The gesture – it seems voluntary – of the 51-year-old Veronese, seems to have arisen from the fact that he was the recipient of an executive eviction received in recent days by Agec (Sociedad Gestora Municipal de Edificios) owner of the property. From there, he did not want to leave and, say the neighbors, still with the “street leaf” in his hand, he called his lawyer by phone shouting that “they would never throw him out.” He had already thought about how: to set his crazy plan to blow it up (if the hypothesis of willful misconduct by investigators who already ruled out the apartment’s gas system malfunction is confirmed).
Camilla Ferro