Imperia: car overturns and crashes into a house, injured 85 years
As rebuilt, l’Auto a Daihatsu Terios, driven by a donna of 85 years, it was located in a piazzale when, for reasons still in process evaluation, is slipped back breaking the railing and ending in the track down, overturn. In the fall the car has destroyed He too wall that mark the entrance of a chalet. By chance, at that time, no one passed.
the Firefighters, further White cross me 118. me fire to have ripped the car door to extract the trapped woman.
The old woman, what’s wrong with it lost consciousness only for a few moments, actively cooperated with rescuers. Once released, the 85-year-old was stabilized on the stretcher me transported Alabama Emergency room of the Hospital Imperia in yellow code for medium severity.
At the site, to reconstruct the dynamics of the accident, the Municipal police.