Eliana michelazzo tells what happened during the hospitalizationor confessing that he was very afraid. The former manager of Pamela Prati said she had casked for help after waking up feeling someone strangle her and then spitting blood from her mouth.
Read also> Eliana Michelazzo hospitalized urgently for Covid: she had spent August 15 at the Billionaire
The doctors, he tells L’AdnKronos: «They explained to me that it could be the symptoms of a little bronchitis on the road. However, they were very friendly and attentive. After being released, Eliana was taken home in a taxi: “Doctors also gave me a seat in the Covid section of the emergency room and made me take a taxi home. It is a state-paid Covid taxi service.” Now he spends the rest of his stay at home in isolation.
Michelazzo tested positive after returning from a holiday in Sardinia, where most of the people he was with tested positive for covid. “I am very scared now. I’m always sleepy and I sleep soundly, I don’t feel the flavors and smells and I don’t eat almost anything “, he explained to Il Corriere della Sera announcing that he wanted report the locals where it was that they did not enforce security measures.
Last Updated: Saturday, August 29, 2020, 12:53 PM