
About the murder of Daniele de santis, 33-year-old soccer referee, and his girlfriend Eleonora Manta, 30 years old, there is only one certainty: it was a crime of unprecedented ferocity and almost certainly premeditated. Then there is a name, Andrea. me an object, a yellow backpack. Write it in Corriere della Sera, according to which these are for now the only concrete elements, along with the examination of cell phones, tambourines and surveillance cameras placed on the street of the Lecce condominium where the crime was committed. Andrea is the name of one of the witnesses who saw the murderer leave: she lives on the same floor as the apartment of the two murdered boys, perhaps Eleonora was asking for her help. But it cannot be ruled out that Andrea is the name of the murderer: on the other hand it makes sense that it could be one person known to the two victims, because it seems that they let him into the house. For the rest, the researchers say that the man appeared as one black silhouette, dressed in a biker outfit, black hood, and black leather gloves. The persecution continues, waiting for some details to emerge that may direct the investigations in a specific direction.
