
Italy without intensive care? Responsibility of Domenico Arcuri. “For more than two months, the regions’ plans to reorganize hospitals have been gathering dust in the hands of the structure of the emergency commissioner – writes Giovanna faggionato in an article by tomorrow that opens a real Pandora’s box. – Two months that were also the best time to renew the emptied hospital structures thanks to the summer slowdown in infections ”. According to the reconstructions of the newspaper, the Ministry of Health transmitted the projects from the regions to Arcuri as early as July. The commissioner, however, would have given the powers for the works October 9 only, that was just over a week ago.

It all started on May 19 when the government gives regional administrations 30 days to reorganize the number of beds in intensive care. Almost everyone responds on time and everything is ready by July 17. On the 29th of the same month, the Court of Accounts, to which the documents of the regions themselves were sent, gave the green light. In this point only the ok from Arcuri is missing which, however, as we know, takes time to arrive.