He leaves school but does not return home, 12 years old is killed by a van in Reggio Emilia


Tragedy on Friday afternoon in Reggio Emilia where a 12 year old boy died tragically run over on the street by a van He passed. The drama took place shortly after 2.30 pm on Via Emilia, in the town of Cella. The victim of the terrible car accident is the 12-year-old boy. Youness Lakhdar. According to an initial reconstruction of the incident, the twelve-year-old was walking down the road when suddenly, for reasons yet to be clarified, a truck fell on top of him, overwhelming him. The 35-year-old man behind the wheel of the Fiat Ducato stopped immediately and the alarm sounded, but for Youness there was nothing to do.

After the emergency call, the emergency health services arrived at the scene in a short time but Unfortunately, any attempt to save the 12-year-old boy’s life proved futile.. An ambulance and a 118 automotive medic rushed to the scene of the incident and provided first aid. The twelve-year-old boy was stabilized and transferred to the Santa Maria Nuova hospital in Reggio Emilia, but his co-edits immediately seemed very serious. Too many charts were the injuries sustained on impact and little Youness Lakhdar died shortly after arriving in the ER.

The dramatic news of the accident reached the family only after his death.. In fact, his relatives were looking for him after the 12-year-old did not return from school. The teenager, a Cavriago resident, had dropped out of school but never returned home. Several messages had been sent on social networks to find him and the parents had also alerted the carabinieri who unfortunately made the tragic discovery during the investigations. Local police are investigating the fatal accident.
