Tragedy at night in a house in via Beltramo in Rivara, in the Turin area.
A 47-year-old Italian worker in a mechanical company killed his 11-year-old son with an illegal weapon. Then he took his own life with the same weapon.
The alarm sounded shortly before two in the afternoon, investigations into the episode were carried out by the carabinieri of the Compagnia di Venaria Reale.
Claudio Baima Poma would have killed his son Andrea out of revenge, is what a Facebook post published shortly before the murder and directed at the ex-partner shows.
“From now on, Iris will be able to enjoy your solo life as you always wanted,” he wrote.
“When we started living together I was the happiest man in the world, then Andrea came, our dream. Everything was beautiful until I started having back problems and permanent damage to my leg. A week before you asked me to marry you, then You left. I ran the risk of losing the use of my legs, I fell into depression, I am tired inside and my mind is shattered. “
Finally he talks about his son: “I could not be without him, nor he without me, we are going on a long journey where no one can divide us. Far from everything, far from suffering.”
A post that had not gone unnoticed: he was a friend of the man in fact, once he read the message in which the worker announced his intentions, call 112. But it was not enough, when the police arrived at the house the terrible crime already it had been committed.
(Unioneonline / L)