Hello, will the mayor pass me by? “It’s not possible Sorry, he just quit. ” Damn, do you have a contact from him? “Don’t look, I’m sorry, we’ve never met here at the city hall.” Carbone, a town of less than 600 inhabitants in the province of Potenza, on Monday he woke up with a mayor and on Tuesday he no longer had one: he immediately resigned along with the seven councilors of the majority among the 10 elected, thus opening the way to notary until new elections. The Italy of a thousand cunning for a day has its capital in the heart of Pollino Park, in Basilicata, where 22 municipalities went to vote but only 21 found their mayor then.
Not in Carbone, where the candidate Vincenzo Scavello with 78 votes, which is equivalent to 78% of the consensus, he was granted the “turnkey” town hall for one day. Because he was actually known for never having set foot there, not even for coffee. Nobody knew him. Scavello, 58, from Messina, was part of one of the two lists admitted “from outside”, that is to say with candidates from other regions. He had presented himself with the list “Honest and free”, none of the 567 inhabitants knew who he was before reading his name on the card, in the town he had never looked like the elected councilors.
The Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, who raised the case, without going into subtlety, had accused them of being candidates in the small town of Serrapontan “Especially to have expectations paid during the electoral campaign. “The phenomenon is known and full of precedents with protagonists carabinieri, police and financiers. In 2018, the case of Capodimele, near Latina, with lists full of agents. Only in Verona the employees of the defense-security sector there were 40 candidates, with only one goal: the license paid for by the state. Maybe not, but from there News And controversies have taken hold of Carbone, the chosen ones are missing leaving the city council that had to administer only the letter of resignation. Then a commissioner appointed by the prefect of Potenza will arrive.
The beauty, so to speak, is that that’s all perfectly legal. For municipalities with a population of less than 15,000, if there is only one list, a quorum of 50% + 1 of the voters is required. Instead of two lists there is no quorum, that’s enough only one valid vote to elect the mayor. In short, little is needed. And in fact the “foreign” lists were even two. Alongside the “Honest and Free” was “L’Altra Italia”, composed solely of residents in Apulia led by such Antonio De Lorenzo, born in Giuggianello in the province of Lecce, but candidate for mayor of Carbone. Where he had never set foot, but claiming the candidacy external this election as a “figure” of his list: in 2018 he presented Gagliole (March) without taking a single vote and last year a Tufana (Molise) where he picked up two. “By our statute movement, which does not count carabineros or police, establishes that the first experience on the table takes place outside their own territory to avoid collusion with mafias, which unfortunately are everywhere even in small municipalities. “
It will be, in fact, in Carbone nobody knew him more than his rival, because both have never set foot there. Laconic comment of the outgoing mayor collected by theAdnkronos. “It is a serious matter to present lists if there is no will to administer,” he says. Mario Chiorazzo, who for 15 years was mayor running out of mandates. “There is bitterness – he emphasizes – because he hoped to deliver the tricolor band to a citizen of Carbone, on the other hand I couldn’t even make the delivery because in a very short time they had already left. Now I wish Carbone a commitment, especially by young people, to resume the administrative life of their own Municipality ”.
For Chiorazzo you need one legislative amendment. “I repeat, it is legitimate to appear, even if you are not a resident – he adds – but one is enough little change. Since the number of subscribers to the list is not mandatory for municipalities with less than a thousand inhabitants, it would be sufficient to provide minimum number of signatories, 20 for example. This prevents people from other regions, not interested in managing, from coming here to present theirs. candidacy”.
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