
Pietro Senaldi
Nicola Zingaretti must have recently gone to one of their famous appetizers. The statement he aired yesterday on RTL radio cannot be explained otherwise, where he essentially claimed to be the salvation of the Democratic Party. “In 2018 we suffered the biggest defeat in history by taking 18%, today we can become the first Italian party,” declared the secretary dem, ignoring the polls, which give it to 20%. The strength of the progressive leader is the absence of perception, in addition to a friendly press that, with the complicity of prosecutors, overlooks the real money that the Lazio Region has thrown into false contracts and hunts down the imaginary ones that the League would have put . Who knows where. Of course, Zingaretti’s analysis must be taken for what it is, an electoral slogan in which Nicola tries to manipulate the cards. In two days we vote and all the center-right candidates are backed by personal lists that will win the majority. Therefore, it is possible that the Salvinian vote will directly support Zaia in Veneto, Ceccardi in Tuscany or Toti in Liguria, strong candidates, and that, by pure chance, in this round the Democrats obtain more support than the League, benefiting from the lack of attractiveness. of its would-be governors, some of whom the party has banned from making individual lists. But that means nothing. The undersecretary is forced to inflate his chest and hold on for support because he is under internal attack. A few days ago, the president of Emilia-Romagna, Bonaccini, at the Festa dell’Unità of his region, clearly said that, happening like this, the party will never stand out again and that, to relive the golden times, Renzi and Bersani must be calls back home.

Different reality – The statement, logically and impeccably, has caused an avalanche of disputes in the Democratic Party, to which the governor has responded by pretending to refer to the voters of the two former secretaries rather than them as such. Whether the first or second hypothesis is true, in any case Zingaretti has heard the death bells ringing in his secretariat and has had to respond by inventing the nonsense of the first Italian progressive force. The reality is different. If the Democratic Party succeeds in preserving Campania and Puglia, which is not at all obvious, it will not be due to the national secretariat but to the heretical local governors, De Luca and Emiliano. Far from being party men in a certain way referred to Zingaretti, both are chiefs with a tendency to consider themselves satraps, they treat the territory as their own and do not intend to tell anyone how they govern it, not even those who elected them. And if, by pure chance, the center-left wins Liguria, the victory would be for the Giallorossi majority, that the Demist leader would not even have wanted to be born, and that only in that Region could he express a unified candidacy, that of the Fatto Sansa journalist. . Rather than Zingaretti, the statement would be from Travaglio.
List of weaknesses – As for Tuscany, any success of the left would be attributed to Renzi, who still receives votes in his parts and whom the Lazio president fears and hates. There is little to be happy about the Marches for the dem, given that there is a real risk that the Region for the first time will move to the center-right, while in Veneto, even progressive candidates now suggest electing the governor of the Northern League. “Go ahead, choose Zaia but also give preference to me who belongs to the Democratic Party,” says the young and unscrupulous Stefano Artuso of Padua in his election video, suggesting a separate vote. In short, keeping Zingaretti alive is just a series of weaknesses, his, his internal competitors and the party he leads. The secretary was chosen for a transitional phase, when the Democrats thought they would remain in the opposition for years, for the sole reason of not having nominated or having control of any of the current deputies. It is the man who must carry the cross, except to step aside when the game gets serious. He currently remains in the chair because his chair is so uncomfortable and the times are so dramatic that no one aspires to replace him. If, miraculously, the party revived despite Zingaretti, someone bigger and more credible would immediately appear to give him a push. When the shock hits, none of the current leaders of the Democratic Party will extend their arms to support the secretary, whom Veltroni, who still counts a lot on the left, has just welcomed. Nicola introduced the Yes party in the referendum, Walter was quick to say that he will vote for No.