A cold that turns into an Odyssey with the nightmare of distance learning that spies again. The story of Luisa (her real name) is that of many parents who go from one office to another and still do not know if and when they will be able to return to school. So it all starts with a cold …
Yes, my son suffers from sinusitis and was quite cold at the beginning of school. So I left it at home even though I could have easily sent it to school. I’ve followed the rules, now who knows when I’ll be able to go back to school.
Shouldn’t the medical certificate proving recovery be enough?
It is not so easy to get it. After three days of absence, the school wants a certificate stating that the child does not have Covid but the doctor does not give it to me because my son did not have a swab. That is why it is not responsible for putting pencil on paper that is not contagious.
And why doesn’t it rub? There should be a procedure for cases like yours …
Obviously I asked for it but having no symptoms of Covid I did not expect to be subjected to the swab. So it could be several days, a week depending on the doctor.
No. Unfortunately, without the certificate they will not let you go back to school.
For him, the distance learning mode has been activated: the only one of its kind. This year you will reach maturity and risk missing important parts of the program. I still don’t know if and when I can go back to school. I’ve been kicked out of all the offices for days and I don’t know what to do anymore. Everyone tells me that I am right but that does not solve the situation, my son is still at home. All for a common cold.
But somehow this situation will also have to be released. What does the school says?
They asked me to be patient, to wait for the new circular. But I also had too much patience. I don’t think I’m the only one in this situation, I hope that when I tell my case something will move. After days of perseverance, we were finally put on the swab list.
September 17, 2020 (change September 17, 2020 | 09:57)