
Run towards the ordinance to “save” Campania. Vincenzo De Luca, after shamelessly announcing the will to put the entire region in emergency shutdown, causing street disturbances, has now waged a war with the government to avoid reclassification on the risk scale, from yellow zone a orange zone. Chaos to Cardarelli, with the patient of COVID-19 He died in the bathroom of the emergency room, uncovered the “Campania case” also in Palazzo Chigi, which today must decide on the color change. But De Luca, suddenly, second Republic would be preparing a mattress order to impose “selected” locks on the “Naples and Caserta metropolitan area “explains the newspaper run by Maurizio Molinari-, but it cannot be ruled out that it is limited to even smaller portions of the territory.”

All, in fact, to avoid the reclassification of the entire region that would provoke the inevitable protests of citizens, merchants and businessmen. “Words and numbers, suggests Republic – are the backdrop to a tug of war between Conte government and President De Luca, who in the first phase of the pandemic had boasted of having ‘saved’ his land and now continues to shout the ‘looting’ against Campania Healthcare ”. Basically, there is the intolerance of the governor. for the “007” that the government sent to Campania and the doubts of the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza on the data transmitted by the region. And the promise to send the army, made by the prime minister and also by the foreign minister. Luigi di maio, Campania, is experienced by the governor-bailiff as a political and personal humiliation. Di Maio “just wants to show” is De Luca’s accusation. And the Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia, from the Democratic Party as a former mayor of Salerno, mocks him: “Do not underestimate yourself, Vincenzo: you too, in terms of social activities, do not joke …”.