He collides with the truck at the crossroads, rescued by helicopter: it is serious


Big accident at dawn on Friday morning in Ravenna. At around 7.30 am at the junction between the Adriatica state highway and via Dismano, a van driven by a 45-year-old Romanian living in Cesena crashed into a Fiat Panda driven by a 28-year-old resident of Punta Marina. The Ravenna traffic police are examining the dynamics of the accident. In the accident, the truck rolled onto its side.

Rescuers from 118 rushed to the scene with ambulance, medical car and helicopter, along with firefighters from Ravenna who worked for a long time to free the Panda’s driver, who was trapped inside the car. . The 28-year-old was then transferred to the Bufalini hospital in Cesena with a code of medium severity. The conditions of the 45-year-old on board the van, transported by helicopter to the Bufalini with a maximum gravity code, are more critical.

For the legal conclusions, the Ravenna traffic police intervened, assisted by the local police who managed the road network, with strong repercussions on traffic, also considering peak hours. The Adriatica State Highway has been closed to traffic to allow for legal relief and repairs. Anas’s teams are also on site.

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Photo Massimo Argnani
