
The chief regent of the grillini fears the protests and decides to desert the assembly he organized
Vito Crimi is confirmed capable of extraordinary feats. First he calls an assembly of parliamentarians to discuss the disastrous outcome of the Regionals, then evaluates not to appear to avoid disputes.
On the other hand, an “ardent” assembly is expected, even if it is not the decisive one. On the M5S, the rags have been flying for months, but another thud in the Regionals has further exacerbated internal tensions. The pressure of the parliamentary groups on Vito Crimi is increasingly strong, to indicate a date for the general states of the movement. “Stop delaying – is the chorus – we must celebrate before October.”
Alessandro Di Battista is on the warpath. In recent days, more solid -in this direction- has become the axis between Luigi Di Maio, Roberto Fico, Stefano Patuanelli, Alfonso Bonafede and Paola Taverna. “All the strong souls of the Movement agree that the general states must be made as soon as possible,” it is reported. According to the most optimistic, the political leader could already designate tomorrow a body – made up of five or six people – that should accompany the States General, a kind of organizing committee. Crimi, however, although drawn by many, does not intend to accelerate too much a path that, according to his interpretation of his mandate, should be as collegiate as possible. So much so that, in all probability, tomorrow he will not be present in the joint group. On the agenda are the general states, it is true, but the meeting was called by the leaders of the group and is part of the usual parliamentary dynamics. Davide Crippa and Gianluca Perilli will then inform you “the orientation of the assembly” or any proposal of merit.
“The date will be there, now it is a matter of days -it is the reasoning- but the path must be traced by listening not only to deputies and senators, but also to other spokesmen (the regionals pressure to participate) or perhaps to the members (with vote of the much debated Rousseau Platform?) Crimi could, in this sense, take stock in the coming days with Giancarlo Cancelleri and Roberta Lombardi, members of the Appeals Commission alongside him. “Some steps must be taken – it is reported – not the intention to postpone or waste time, but the conviction of not having to decide unilaterally.”
The parliamentary groups, in any case, are one step away from the explosion. For some, the risk of spin-off is increasingly concrete and even those who try to minimize, in reality, do nothing more than photograph a very complicated situation, for the M5S -of course- but also for the Government. “In truth everything is connected to the Month – it is reported – A group of 30 parliamentarians would not vote for him and the risk is a spill”.
In the movement, then, also weighs the relationship that has been created with the allies and in particular with the Democratic Party. If Beppe Grillo reportedly said he was “happy” with Luigi Di Maio’s latest public outings at the alliance front, several deputies and senators (‘leading debates but not only) are complaining about a crushed M5S’ “by the Democrats and now” orphan “” of the identity battles to be fought. “Of course there is a reduction in allocations, this is the reasoning, but new flags are missing.”