Held on the fifth day of investigation between Delio lake and the Arroyo Molinera, in search of the missing hiker.
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In the central part of the creek, the rescuers, present today by a dozen and a dozen, in the early morning found a body, which was recovered early in the afternoon with a winch maneuver of the “Drago 84“By the firefighters of the Lombardy flight department, in collaboration with mountain rescue technicians.
According to CNSAS (National Corps of Alpine and Speleological Rescue) of Lombardy is that of Andrea Galimberti, which was seen disappearing in Arroyo Molinera last Saturday while looking for mushrooms with a friend. The body was made available to the judicial authority.
The official came with a press release from the National Alpine and Speleological Rescue Corps:
The intervention for the recovery of the 38-year-old man, resident in Como, who has disappeared since last Saturday, ended this afternoon, Thursday, September 3, 2020. The flooding of the Val Molinera torrent had dragged him into the gorge. The searches had started immediately after the alarm, given by the person who was with him. In recent days, the area of the creek, about 6 km long, with a drop of about 800 m, had been divided into four sectors, to allow a meticulous recovery of ravines and pools. In the last days the initial part had been examined, with the discovery of the cape of the missing person. Today the continuation of operations in the central section is expected. The Cnsas Lombardo was present with around thirty lifeguards, belonging to the regional team of the gorge, with specialized technicians for this type of particular context, and from the 19th Lariana Delegation, with the alpine territorial teams, in collaboration with the Firefighters. The Guardia di Finanza helicopter took the different groups to the scene. Midmorning, the discovery of the man, lifeless, near the second jump of the third section, about a hundred meters from the entrance to the ravine. Rescue teams cleared the area for safe recovery of the body with the fire helicopter. We also thank the Carabinieri of the Luino Command and the municipal administration of Maccagno with Pino and Veddasca, for the support provided in recent days.
Galimberti had attempted to wade through the swollen stream in a few minutes due to bad weather, and was swallowed by the waves of flood in front of the eyes of his friend: since then the investigation of the fungiatt di Oltrona Saint Mamette, in the province of How.
To find it again, dozens and dozens of specialists have been involved in these days: the Alpine Rescue, various specialties of the Fire Brigade (in particular Saf and research units with drones), the Coast Guard, the Guardia di Finanza collaborated in the investigation. , the Carabinieri, the Civil Protection and the Ust. With them also volunteer psychologists from the CRI Lombardia Psychosocial Service, to support the relatives.

To coordinate the rescue, the Fire Brigade had established a UCL unit within the Maccagno municipality.